Friday, 22 July 2011

To everyone, that nursed?

To everyone, that nursed?

I saw a TV programming on the weekend at, it was about mothers, who nurse too long. The mother, who was interview, still nurses 5 year old S for heröhne, while she/it still nurses another woman both 3 year old twins.
Therefore, I have a 2 partial matter:
1. How long you dafür nursed?
2. How long f too longür nursing, your opinion after?

Additional details

The Shows-Name is on national Geographic Channel taboo." I think.


through? Nougat?

Best answer chosen by Asker

8wks on first.. 15wks at the second..

Breast milk to express over 2 for children is fine to me.., but, to have her/it/them on the breast, only injustice sees in my view..

Thinks you go I, that the mother is the one with the problem of leaving,...

But..., but I say that, because that is this, which thinks i and doesn\'t know,.. is Everybody differently and entitled to agree with it and not to agree with it.
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Other Answers (11)

through lady Discordia ridge child: 17 months, she/it myself-disaccustoms in this age,
Second child: 3 years
Third child: 3 years 10 months
Fourth child: working still with 2 1/2 years as a nurse

AlsAls for if it is "too long", it is not my place, in order to judge others, but guesses I, that I would say at the age of four or five all, would become from a small one me strange. I wouldn\'t says, thereß it "wrong" is, I simply would be a little uncomfortable seeing it. Behind closed TI guess completely es\'s üren on to the mother and the child.

through another account again IHSP 1. My it went become only nine months and she/it selflessly the eldest, because I worked, and she/it preferred one bottle over me. Gegenwärtig breast, that lives 11 1/2 months old,
2. About, für me believes I that will be from the cut in 2, BUT if it descends to it, him/it, \'s that is recommended to continue as it yearns, as it is comfortable for both parties. Children have the Fähigkeiten, until to work full age as a nurse by 6 years, then, her/its/their jaws tend to change, so that it makes impossible near to continue to work as a nurse, but I could not work myself personally so long as nurses introduces.

from Pippin 1. 14 months.
2. \'Too long\' wäre everything beyond the time, as mothers, und/oder baby is ready to hold. , And no, neither 3 still are \'too long\' in 5, if still itself both parties für continuing interests. I find this idea, thereParticularly, ß 3 are to be yearned you itself to surprise. Who wrote this show? Leaves entw evenöhnen you, in 3 would be approximate the \'ordinary\' tense... the the most self-disaccustoming toddlers therefore does between 2 and 4 years. 5 years is ouchßergewöhnlich, but definitely not \'incorrectly\' or \'damaging.\'

through Cloth on vagabonds, Breastmilk in hood! 1. My daughter is 2.5, and working still as a nurse. Therefore #2 in February expectant, maybe I am tandem care.

2. None such matter. You/they ka child forces önnen\'t to work as a nurse, the age, with which it would be "too old", is so if the child will give up. The AAP recommends to work as as a nurse, yearns as mommy, and child is glad, obviously this is the case with the women at this show.

from DeeGee, my son is 10 months, and I still nurse.

I plan to start to probably disaccustom with 12 months, but the most likely will remain at the bedtime feeding for a while after it.

Too long? I guess in the course 2 years that a bi seemsßchen extremely to me, but everyone to his/its own one.

from Bobster 1. Until 2 and one half year. Now, I think, that something the HI thought ölle?

Nurses, until the children were in 5, did, was not in the habit of to be so uncommon, but I think nowadays, probably not a good idea. I believe, thereß 3 definitely the cutoff should be.

from Wendy 1. With my first entwöhnte she/it unfortunately with 14 months my second with 11 months.
2. you yearn alsals as mommy, and child is comfortable, to thenursing stretched ück in the day for itself, was not uncommon with all people, you worry much for itself too much which people thinks nowadays.

for Holly D Other, cultures make it different.

It is a perfect meal...

Adult people, that drink the milk of a cow, however, that is simply strange!

from Wocket 1. 9.5 months long. i mußte hold in order to go meds on any severe obligation.
2. the Weltgesundheits-org recommends, nurses until 2 years old. ICH\'d says over 3, it pushes.

through jen 1. Still as a nurse working my almost 13 month old.
2. I wäre probably comfortable nursing not she/it, after she/it turned three. I place really auf\'t thinks over care about the elections of other people after.

through momto8gr... I normally holds with approximately 15 months old. Through this time, I want to have my time.... das\'s simply strangely..

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