Friday 22 July 2011

Unrealistic expectations of nursing?

Unrealistic expectations of nursing?

It talked last night my husband and I about how my duties will change after I had this new baby.

My husband believes that I should formula feed because formula nourished the twins we and that to nurse this baby, will need more time, energy and effort (in his/its mind) a quantity, and that it is unfair to him/it and our twins to dedicate the new baby so very much.

Am I in the belief that nursing won\'t need really more time than bottle feeding, completely unrealistic? I remember Flaschenf very healthyütterung and there was practiced much period, energy and effort in formula homework and purge, and buying of it, and you still hold the baby, you let the baby do a burp and so on

I think, that he/it become think incorrectly into thinking this formula, that lives, that I increase duration with my twins will spend. Whoever is this and done there with two older toddlers and a newborn? What was your experience?

How can I do this with no support of my husband? I place auf\'t, MORE needs responsibility for it again too betr my twinsügen.

Additional details

I deceived her/it/them already about breastmilk. I deceived her/it/them about one on a time in her/its/their mommy, because she/it, they share mußten.

Me am made into holes with guilty feelings and I cannot believe, that he/it fell, you fail this on me.



I told my husband, that I could simply carry the new baby in a loop and nurse, her/its/their hands free after a while, that one PLUMB more easily than the there sits is and both of my hands, that hold she/it and hold one bottle, used... or the effort, to hold her/it/them, during bending in my neck one bottle and doing of some other with my other hand.

Believe me, I was used that the first time about.

My twins will be 20 months old if my new baby was born.

AuchAuch, we co-slept with the twins and my husband, who are used, in order to get up at night, to do bottles, because he/it didn\'t want left in the room with the crying babies. I should remind him/it of if he/it insists with this stupidity!


through mouse_72...

Best answer chosen by Asker

Our twins, who live between pumped breast milk and formula, divided having... I doesn\'t believe, that you will spend none more time with him/it silence, as you did making formula and bottles for twins! I have a friend, who had a boy,... then had Zwillingsmad little... and as she/it two and another baby girl was. She/it nursed the twins and the baby. It is, you do VOLLSTÄNDIG capable. Maybe the twins are of some eagernessüchtig initially..., but they will be okay.

On the topic of the feeling guiltily and thinking, that you deceived your twins,... stops you it! :) My partner and I has four year old twins, and I place auf\'t thinks, thereß she/it itself feels, felt dizzy at all from everything. You/they are adjusted very glad and good and have well tied with both of us. A matter is, that we us bemüht has to do, you give her/it/them to "only childhood intermittently, where one of them a purchase with one from us and the other stays makes, comes back with the other parent. It worked well, and the boys geniusßen it.
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Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks for the wonderful advice, Mitzwillingsmama!
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Other Answers (10)

from Andrea It, the baby seems similar a pain to reduce in order to prepare one bottle. If your baby is hungry, thereß it so easy, to place nourishing and to begin, is. Some Männer places auf\'t wants to divide the breasts with a baby or they feel that maybe the breasts look bad after the baby was disaccustomed. Share you only mit\'ll, it does some weeks long so that he/it will see how easily it is. You/they are a große mommy, and blame always goes with him/it unfortunately.

from Ghiselle D ridge, company WAAAAAAY puts too much blame on mommies. You/they didn\'t deceive your babies. You/they did this, which you könnten, and it sounds like you, your best tried. A dreadful Gef is responsibleühl and I wouldn\'t-Gefühl guilty about it, to try your best!

The election, in order to work as a nurse, depends completely on THEM. I gewann\'t-Kind you and says you, it is easy, you know, thereß it is not., but it therefore is value it, particularly, after you did the fight, and care becomes begründet.

Now, on not nascent from your DH supports. Care is Zähe work and as yearn you itself as Sie\'wieder prepared for the fight, I believe that maybe you are capable to do it. Maybe her/its/their DH actually becomes a gigantic Anh\'t änger from you and a fan of the care, because he/it won, must rise about night to nourish the baby, you can select upward and can go more easily somewhere, as working as a nurse, and only you dissolve on your shirt if the baby is hungry. Es\'s actually quite zweckmäßig after fixed! Lol

Inform the LL and get, you support there. You/they können it does!

through gypsies, g Breastfeeding way was easier for me. Didn\'t muß bottles do, you sterilize the bottles, you warm up the bottles... only bang from a boob and left the baby do the silence.
I had to return to the work, what for a pain! Für the next day bottles making... ugggh! I vermißte the first 6 weeks, as everything, which I had to do, depended pick on my baby, & pulls up you my shirt.
But finally, his/its decision and he/it are not no opinion in that, what you do with your breasts, has. You/they should get a book or should go web sites to lactation and führen all for and nauseates from nursing on.
And regardless of bottle or breast... both is time of consuming. Klänge to me, you him/it doesn\'t wants to step upward. Without Rücksicht on which, to do you, chooses, you will need him/it.
And like the above mentioned said... I was nursing any big binding for everything of us. I together then had forgotten itself that rolling up too ern everythingheads, sleeps. Ahhhh, if turns around er\'d, and I würde me nourishes and he/it would wrap himself into big arm about us and moves us into his/its warm sure embrace and let me lean my body against him/it... mmmmm.

from C, I would fight with your husband, whom breast feeding (once fixed) is a quantity more easily in the whole family. If you itself with the breast ernheads, you can avoid, because you, laundry, must buy, you sterilize bottles, you mix formula, heat on bottles and so on also means it that must wake up doesn\'t you hubby with night in order to nourish the baby. This müssend no formula sees more money buying for the whole family before. Brustfütterung means less colds and illnesses, so less time and money spent with the doctors.

Finally, as soon as breast feeding is justified, you can learn wearing baby to breast feed in a loop, that means, that you can play with the twins while baby corrodes happily. You/they need both Händen in bottle feed a newborn.

Don\'t thrash yourself over your twins, but make breast feed for your new baby. Congrats!

Process: What for a look... made you breast feed? I don\'t assume. NiemandNiemand disputes one second long, thereß breast feeding of the beginning to times not difficult is. It can be as you work on Babys-Klinke, welländige feedings the first few weeks..., but all this quite early after it then doesn\'t finish any later, normally about 4 weeks, in 6, It also is much easier if you develop on breast, that feeds myths, before the baby\'s credit.


Breast feed my 7 months old after relactating.... breast feeding was much easier in the whole family, you then fill, feeding was.

through cathrl69 hello, you didi doesn\'t deceive her/it/them about anything. You/they had a little less your time of everyone, but they have also each other.

Doesn\'t think you can spend more duration with your twins I, that formula feeding will mean. I think, you könnten more physically at baby, but it, time fortified you verbringen\'s-Zeit can speak in the course of time and with them can interact, you don\'t say, how old they are, but it is presumably sufficiently old, about stories or you singing or the gamble of peekaboo, to listen, even if they don\'t yet talk,...) That is not true with a quantity of the matters, associated with formula, that entails very hot liquids and you in the kitchen the being, sooner than, where your twins have her/its/their toys.

from C*hope Breast is the best, you do what is healthy for your baby.
Approve, I had my daughter one year ago. As she/it was born, my 2 boys were 3, and 16 months old! My 3 years old was so gro with herß, and my 16 months old first had some questions, but adjusted soon.
I nursed, and well you dont must need the time, in which the bottle prepared, kitchen out to go, you always heat up everything something for him/it, while baby screams ready to eat, the two other children, who possibly need something, have PLUS you. Therefore if you nurse, können you only there baby right in which room you are with your toddlers there feeds. You/they können still interacts with them and speaks with them. You/they können even one of those baby loops, to carry, gets, you place your baby in there in order to nurse! VOILA!

If of Mitschlaf you or has baby in bassinett beside your bed even only with night and nursing, you will probably finish, MORE, to get sleep, as you would become preparing at nite one bottle! And this will give you more energy, about fähig, to be, to nurse the baby and your toddlers during the day!

My last point of nursing, it is ROUTE AWAY cheaper AWAY! You/they will save so much money! I formula fütterte my first, and my others nursed two, I, I know you how much besides it!

Anyways, only you guarantee that your toddlers take part in the new baby\'s daily help. Bring her/it/them to bringing you a diaper and an opinion "GOOD WORK" of it, or which big helpers are she/it tells them! Make her/it/them for something your doing only one part of it with the baby.

Hope, that helps!


Mommy of 3.... prides of nursing mommy!

vonvon Amanda D can say I, that maybe nursing takes more effort from a small one at the beginning, but this depends on the baby. Some babies get the hängen you immediately from it, and problems have others to snap, and such. I understand your guilty Gefühle... I was only capable, 5 weeks long my son to nurse, because I went through depression and my self didn\'t take care of, so that I wasn\'t, the sufficiently breastmilk produces, and my mother after law brought me to looking awfully for it! Without Ryou choose ücksicht on which method that you must be capable to spend quality time with binding and meeting that your baby and your feeding a big way to do this, is. I also place auf\'t thinks, thereß if you formula feed, that will mean it, that you spend more duration with your twins. Maybe if you decide to nurse your new small, können you every day, that depends on your schedule, one need time and have on a time in each of the twins to guarantee, they still feel special for itself. In the end, I say that you do which Gefühle right, and if you want to nurse and problems have, you come in contact with a lactation advisor, that can show you some tricks, so that your baby can drink efficiently at the breast, that should not take more time than bottle feeding in the end. Glück!

through chase everything didn\'t deceive you your twins. If gladly she/it and healthy and is loved, it is not important, as she/it gefüttert became.

You/they must, you make this for something feeling is the best. Flaschenfütterung is easier than working than nurses in, that you probably frequently become more quiet, as bottle feeding and working of a nurse can take a quantity longer. Some babies drink für comfort at the breast and likes to use the breast as a pacifier. This doesn\'t really happens with Flaschenfütterung.

It is your child and your body with if you feel that to nurse this baby, important for you is, then sticks you at your pistols and gives him/it your the best shot. The best from Glück.

from WOKA-WOK.... Wait a moment. I seem to be the ONLY, that itself over nursing all the Y!Questions reminds.

VonVon all Q\'s, that I saw, that new mommies always are from it at the edge to be cried because of it, how often they nurse, as made her/it/them spent for nothing because of the whole time, as can get to work nurses, how they can go because of the care nowhere, and I remember EXACTLY, as begged about a solution, because they work you 3 months old as a nurse permanently, a wife it did impossible for her/it/them to spend duration with her/its/their 3 years old that everyone outraged everywhere over her/its/their jumped BF-Mamas, that she/it could not do both at the same time!

Her/its/their single getting supported one answers. These BF-Mamas ignore the reality vollständig from it like hard and time of consuming of BF is.

I wish you luck, I also hope that you can do it. I only believe, thereß Ihnen of it conscious should be, like hard and, how devoted you must be.

I propose, that to search any older BF, questions, because you are gotten the basis of it to drain emotionally like BF, can be.

beside Mamagesicht, I believe that your husband has unrealistic expectations of formula feeding! :)
Except if you shouldered most of the load of the bottle feeding, he/it must have gone nuts or his/its memory completely lost. You/they are right, itself preparing and the Aufräumen, to remind after formula on the innumerable hours, being a chaos. About not too erwähnen, every day and, to come confront fully nascent with a sink from bottles home.
Explain the benefits of nursing gently to your husband, as YOU/THEY see her/it/them, It is free, it is plentiful, * personally found i that very rarely robs I sleeps, I and co-slept nursed, therefore as the baby per a little one howled, woke up i, it clicked shut on it, and fell asleep again. My husband almost never became our Nachtzeitfawakened ütterung from sleep durring. It is healthier, and can even dafür as a binding time serves the two one of you.
If your husband, that valuable father time will be taken from him/it by your nurturing of the baby, believes, he/it should think twice. I only place auf\'t meant, thereß diaper time of big binding time is, but through many sessions, my husband rolled up himself only behind me, or beside me and participated at the ultra-relaxing ritual. I think that we existed 20 minutes, times one day many times, itself only aufwärts to cuddle and to be together.
Who can beat this?
SieSie will spend same quantities of duration with the children, nursing doesn\'t mean to lock up itself/themselves in the bathroom half a hour long. Her/its/their twins know, thereß you she/it once fed, and this new baby needs also meal!
Don\'t have any guilty feelings, but if you need bigger ammunition, informs your local Le Leche-Verband, and procures the facts for him/it!

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