Friday, 22 July 2011

When did you stop to nurse your LO?

When did you stop to nurse your LO?

do you have twins one, if you had twins/If, if made you/would that you finish to nurse her/it/them?
b, which age was your child, as you stopped her/it/them breastfeeing?

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i agrees rae with you, I still nurse my twins, but we will now hold, because they are in 14months, and I am wanted and so on exactly to know, really tired, that she/it was not too young for i bad holds, but his/its consent believes i as i bf/ding stopped my first with 3months,


from Rae

Best answer chosen by Asker

I nursed all my children at least for one year. It is für Mom, in order to clean so easily, no bottles, no formula, in order to do, at the traction, always the right temp, never from bottles, & formula for us. It also is für the baby so good. It helps them, kl,üger and healthy, to be. You/they get some of your Immunitäten. Plus the bond between you & Baby is so big. Some people say, thereß it you fastens, but for the first six months or I also never wanted to be so from my babies far anyway. Around, I have the whole rest of my life to run.
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Other Answers (7)

from Haruhi Wenn I twins would have, I would let her/it/them decided if they are done. I würde she/it as it nurses, you yearn wished as her/it.

I am present my 3 years of tandem care old and 9 months old, and if they are willing to hold, they become. Until then, I am glad, this Ernährungs-und comfort need, to correspond after them. And gladly, the Krebs-k, to earn ämpfenden benefits!

The AAP recommends to nurse a minimum of 1 years, the WHO a minimum of 2 years. Both agree, thereß it healthy, of course, and useful is to be continued to nurse 3 years long, and beyond, and that there is not any upper limit, within which nursing should be kept. You/they notice also an erhöhtes risk of the illness of children, who are disaccustomed 2.

"If you had twins/If, do you have twins, if made you/would that you finish to nurse her/it/them?"

Immediately, as I do with single person of sound, if they hold alone.

"Which age was your child as you stopped her/it/them breastfeeing?"

My daughter is 2.5 and myself-disaccustoms recently. If I pregnant weren\'t 6 month and my milk loses, I believe, thereß she/it a good one little longer would have nursed.

from S, my first, i stopped to nurse as i was pregnant five months because it became too uncomfortable.
my second held i with 12 months, because started i to take migraine medication. , as a side, in only, my second nursed on my left side because we were comfrotable more both on this side,... boy was i crooked,

through avonmom ONE, not applicable
B, the oldest disaccustomed with 2.5 years old
Second with 8 months to one bottle
third with 3 years old

obviously, my 1 ate. and 3. full meals and drank from one cup after one year old. You/they nursed several times f one dayür comfort.


Mommy of 3 (13,9,4)

through love, I would trouble my children myself one, if I had twins, to nurse as it, you yearn as I could.

b, my first, I held with approximately 4 months
I held my second with 18 months
My third, I still nurse presently, and he/it is 6 months old.


Mommy of three

through? my 1 held i bf with 6 weeks. at & my 2. with 4 weeks

i is not, more certainly i would smooth attept to bf-Zwillingen... i only dont wants to it and no this doesn\'t make you lazy me

from MT A. not applicable
B. 6 months

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