What is the best age to be stopped to be nursed? Does it really do, you are important?
My twin girls, that eldest children, is three years old, and I still upheld nursing. Is you in such a way appropriates? My sister is right really not with it in agreement, but my daughters and I like the time together, and they really like breast milk.What do you think?
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Also, my 2 year old son still nurses.3
through crispy mom
Best answer chosen by voters
Wow, good for you! Das\'s awesome! I entwöhnte only my 4 1/2 years old, works my 2 year old as a nurse and is due in June. I hoped to try tri-andem-Pflege, lol however my it disaccustomed the eldest as I became pregnant.do you process--, and for those, whoever think of you, that a baby should be disaccustomed, if they are you sufficiently old in order to ask for milk, what a newborn baby does believes, if they cry? You/they ask for milk!
ImIm second year, 12-23 months, 448 mL of breastmilk provides:
29 percent of energy requests
43 percent of protein requests
36 percent of calcium requests
75 percent of vitamin a standard
76 percent of folate-Anforderungen
94 percent of Vitamin-B12-Anforderungen
60 percent of Vitamin-C-Anforderungen
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through marrieda... I believes, that the general age is in 1. I hit held ätte with 6 months, if I had continued, but I had to hold earlier... I guesses es\'s between you and the children... if they want to hold, you let her/it/them held if I was not surprised, why the attachment, because they are so independent in this age,.. it gives other ways to spend time together, and other beverages, I is sure, that they like,..., if those are your single reasons,..
from Juju, any deposits people breast Futter-upto 5, personally I think if a child should be she/it sufficiently old no more fed breast in order to ask for the breast. I believe, thereß the apa recommends to hold in the age of 1 if regular milk was begun. I think is a persönliche decision and if it then should be your confortable O.K.. You/they könnten always your childrens-Ärzte, to see what they say, asks.
through, of course it is still suitable, they still get heat and nutrition from your breasts, and they want more, as likely self disaccustoms soon, therefore you don\'t have to yourself about the she/it disaccustoms provides, before they are ready.
Nursed ", toddlers are physically healthier
Research, the immunological benefit, increase during the second and third years nursing.14 the antibodies, to actually nurse in breastmilk, that protects a newborn against pathogens, according to still become find viruses and bacteria present at human milk at the milk of the mothers, that does her/its/their toddlers.15 Literally thousand of anti-viral, antibacterial and antiparasitic-Faktoren as a nurse, and protects against hundred of infections and illnesses, including È. coli, pneumonia, strep-Kehle, salmonella, flu, rotavirus, rubella, west\'s Nile virus, mumps, measles, diabetes, meningitis and much remains childhood cancer gift like the leukemia.16 these immunological factors, whether the nursing child is three months or three years old."
from e and i believed that was i alone, that my daughter will be 3 in August, and i dont sees disaccustoming event in the months few after it. O has a H 2 2 n this bf untillälfte. i thinks as it, you yearn as you and you, baby is comfortable for his/its O.K. one(s). i dont believes, thereß she/it school ages and doing of it should be. I love, the bond i has his/its time, that gets i, to spend with her.all, soon abzuschälen, with my daughter and 4 children, is grown, and a teenager and a barley want to speak with me with it un going proposes to enjoy it, while conserves you i with twin i, that you make them/her/it for resembling,
I would think of J. before one year personally old and would pump, but thats only I.
Don\'t leave your sister alteration that you care. Es\'s completly on to you. Es\'s a persönliche election of it, to pull up your daughter.
But I would become likely before she/it starts to go to the school. But then es\'s only I.
through rachels_... dont like it, i thinks children although his/its nice one, a lil-Unabhängigkeit, to also have binding, n doesn\'t rely on feedin for comfort, already all d-Güte was not neccessary dey for her/it/them, so that your doing all is she/it feedin, with all................. which brands u, the more gladly wil also your children helps, although so the best from luck with original decision
through funkeymo... i believes, that it is a little aged reason, if they go to the school, and starts to say matters, that people could start to say matters, but is on the other hand on to you and this something you and you children likes
through locks you Obber!!!! "something thinks you?"
That you are fertile remarkably. Pregnant again, in only some months, after twins no less, despite working of those twins as a nurse!
Mmm hmm.
through cyn1066, if is you and your child ready. My daughter started, with ungefähr one year, to lose interest. We throw a F at a timeütterung one, the last to go was a bed time. I vermißte him/it more, as she/it did.
through answer, I believe personally that you should stop breast feeding if baby is by 5 - 6 months of sharpening,
it means i that you don\'t want any child, who calls you from the school, lol for you asking for one feed,
from Cassidy, you succeed in immediately nursing three children, and you had your children within one year of each other?
It doesn\'t seem likely.
from cemented...
Drive about this part, that enough and you will know, that this is a hot topic,... ideal for the fishing.
Hmmmm x 2.
from C N before baby goes to college.
through melindas... how? ernheads you 3 children? wow
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