Friday, 22 July 2011

Want to disaccustom from it to nurse any suggestions?

Want to disaccustom from it to nurse any suggestions?

I nursed my twins since birth, that she/it now should be 15 months old soon. I have her/it/them to Schldisaccustoms äfchen down, and night times in order to work as a nurse. I want, about nursing and Vorschläge, to put in from differently, you disaccustom more successfully parents.Thanks

through mommy of 3

Best answer chosen by Asker

WOW.. you made of property with twins!! i often doesn\'t hear so very much! I nursed all three from myself. my first became entw with 15 monthsöhnt, you support that 17 and third were 19 months... so because you are depressed to only nap and bed tense, you are almost there. Start to give them a sippy-Tasse, one liked the Avent i with the soft faucet, with Schl,you and wear clothing of this Don\'t time äfchen leads too easy dissolving. If you she/it für her/its/their nap time sleep, Don, holds, she/it holds \'t in the same area of the house, that she/it would become you normally quiet,.. holds you she/it with her/its/their back to your stomach and your stone or sings or read to them... she/it will try to turn to you, but that is, why you wear a dress or something, on which they cannot pull, and they will cry for a small while, but soon, they will understand that it is no more for nap time there.
as soon as they understand nap times, you begin the same routine for bedtime... hangs you in there and is proud, that you did it so long,... with it many people admits early on!!
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Thank for the information, that I will definitely use it,
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Other Answers (7)

the curing of Kari, that I believe personally in child, led. It has challenge es\'s, but it also is joyful. I think also m es\'söglich, to disaccustom more on your schedule in an affectionate way. I recommend to lend the book, as of mouthful I entwöhnt. Es\'s exactly, very informative.


Mther of 2

from Angie-Baby Hui congrats on 15 months and with TWINS. I nursed my two children to 18 months and is to be gone at the best only frigid turkey. Klänge-Mitte, but there was not ANY other way. You/they müssen maybe them for a night or two sleeping even with night maybe with daddy and leaving from him/it the bedtime ritual makes a relative left. It took me none then 48 lesson, about her/it/them vollständig, to disaccustom, and it was heart-rending. Therefore the faster it finishes the better.

from Barbara Do, they take one bottle or one cup at all? Give, they press or milk guarantees, thereß it RB ST free is! Well für you for BF so long. I made virtually three years long! And place h auf\'tält she/it, if you can help him/it, if they drink from the bottle, or makes hollow, the smell will bring her/it/them to than to want to work nurses. Glück. Check also from a WIC-Versammlung, that the stamps don\'t need to get you, in order to visit the meetings.

through mom_prin... disaccustoming to other type of nutrition of nursing middle counter. Which eating should the milk of mother replace? All hängt from a baby\'s age on the one hand and state of his/its health, on which other, from. If a baby under 6 months still is, then only adaptive formulas für healthy babies and special medically. für babies with different problems can serve as a substitution for milk. In last case natyou only treat ürlich, she/it can do rules. After 6 months, if a baby is healthy, können you to partially adaptive formulas shifts or, what is, even improves, adaptive formulas for babies for 6 to 12 months.

After 8 months, if it none against indications and negative reactions gives, you can include kefir in daily allowance. Normally, babies drink it gladly, but still shoulnd\'t you gives sour milk products more than the Hälfte daily allowance: it is kidneys for children quite difficult, sour metabolites to lead out. At any phase, period to nurse such formula is schön: half of the nutrition is fresh, (opinion, adaptive formula), other half. sour milk. You/they können formulas both in the process of every feeding (at the beginning of feeding) alternates, if a baby is hungry, you offer the one, he/it likes less, until the end of feeding. the one he/it prefers, and während one day. After 8-9 months können you the milk of whole cow in your baby\'s daily allowance of course includes, if he/it doesn\'t have any allergy to it. A baby, that the most probably up to 7-8 Monate-Wille, counter to one bottle prefers, older babies can learn the drinking of a drinking bowl or even one cup.

Some lists
If a baby treats your attempt to offer one bottle negatively to him/it, you ask for some of your near people to nourish a baby instead of you. It is m completelyöglich, that he/it will treat this fact better in this case. Also Nachtf involves thisütterungen in full measure, if you don\'t plan to keep her/it/them. Moreover associations of sleep are normally stable, and deviation of them can be treated more seriously. Allow father or Großmutter, that comes to your baby,: a baby will agree difficult formula of one bottle earlier, without feeling smell of the milk.
To intriduce a strange taste of the formula of your baby, you can treat him/it from a spoon firstly.
For any Babys-Stelle of the feeding is from big importance. It is m completelyöglich, that he/it will treat one bottle better in atmosphere, that he/it doesn\'t make any assosiate, with nursing, (for example) in other room.
If a baby demands breast heavily and rejects from one bottle, nothing will help you, besides your own persistency. Be intelligent. Give him/it one Möglichkeit, to reject at this moment, but if he/it then becomes again hungrily the most likely, he/it will assume a "mommy\'s substitute for less enmity."
At this moment, a baby needs your nice attitude and caresses, you never previously: he/it must determine that he/it is cured only of breast, not his/its mother in general. For example, with night, if your baby anfängt, to cry, desperately and for itself troubles to persuade you the giving up of your own prohibitions, you can swing him/it, walk from a room with him/it and sings a lullaby, even if you normally don\'t swing him/it to the bed before going. This phase is considered a new one because it requires a refusal of old fixed rules. You/they können tries to switch your baby\'s attention to any other nature: interest him/it with torches, he/it sees of the window or the headlights of the night cars. The main is his/its attention to be distracted from his/its own negative emotions.
EinEin is quite similarly to be disaccustomed baby, who gets only in the evening or with night breast, to other disaccustoming, you see senses 1 and 5, i.e. it is better that any other person with one bottle would get a baby with night. If a baby of rejecting remains heavy, show persistency, with the Bemühen, to distract your baby\'s attention on any other nature.



for Nancy Jo, you only make it. guarantee, thereß she/it full cups has, if sie\'wieder thirsty. it becomes sie\'ll to the Alteration uses before you recognize it. it will be more difficult on you.

from LaundryG.... this is fantastic that you nursed your babies to this point! My experience in my 6 nurslings (all single person of sound) was, thereß it gives, "windows of the opportunity" for disaccustoming gets around this you to quite predictable phases. The first normally happens between 10-12 months if baby is deflected, so and interested f about him/itthe world, that he/it can, is still disturbed \'t ür to sit, you yearn enough for itself to work as a nurse. Many mommies actually confuse this with disinterest and go ahead and entwöhnen then.

But I found that, as soon as they made it for this phase, care one quantity more of a Bequemlichkeitsverhaltens became as it was before. The affection to nursing only came much Stärker, as they inputed toddlerhood. I didn\'t finds much success in it, itself too bemühen to convince a toddler, that they were willing to disaccustom, until someday nearer 20-24 months. This was the average age für most of my small ones, to disaccustom. They were f in this ageähig, to understand, the quiet thing likes, "we will nurse if I finish, < fill tiresome work or activity > or night night went "milkies; You/they can nurse if the sun shines again. I could schlu with themßfolgern, and they could be sufficiently patient in order to assume my dilatory tactics but I * always * followed hesitated through having. If I informed the child of us, \'d works as a nurse, after I a load of the Wgrayling had folded, we sat down and worked as a nurse as I was done. You/they had already a level of the trust, thereß I her/its/their needs would correspond, this trust was to be therefore continued through the disaccustoming process, essentially.

However, you/they already are depressed to only naps & bedtimes. DafI would propose a tactic, that I used on my nursing toddlers, ür, as I was pregnant with a new baby, and care was uncomfortable, I would tell the child, whom she/it could nurse, while I sang a particular song, or to a given number, or until the end of Blauen\'s-Anhaltspunkte, or any other restriction, that she/it understood, counts. With bedtime würde I a BRA carries & shirt, I not always did if she/it nursing volle-Neigung through the night, and says them, in which the milk was put, and could not come out. We still had our children in the bed with us, normally until to over old 2, and disaccustoming wants to make didn\'t * and * throwing of them simultaneously from our bed. Therefore, I was the whole night right beside them there, and I weiß, that it was a frustrating temptation for child for the milk of handicapping. The middle of the Nachtfthe last always was ütterung in order to go for us.

I therefore sleep with the keyboard, that I hope, that some of it is helpful to you, here however one. Glück!


Mother of six nursed, and disaccustomed!) kiddos,

through aka I co means four, the nap and night feedings was at the last to be gone and part of the falling asleep routine. I found, thereß she/it only really tired had to be, as they were placed to the bed. ICH\'d makes my best, in order to hold her/it/them super, beschäftigen you the whole day. After over one week, she/it didn\'t needs the comfort of the care. Sleep was es\'s own reward.

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