Friday, 22 July 2011

Still another question about women and multitasking: How much is too much multitasking?

Still another question about women and multitasking: How much is too much multitasking?

Do you think that, at any point, after the concept came \'multitasking\' into the application, that women started to increase it to a standard to live to it upward? In the course of the last few years, me, \'ve started, women together some of the most unsuitable actions aufführen, to see.

I saw her/its/their mascara attract a woman today earlier, for example, and drank this slat of a Starbuck, when reading from Martha Stewart\'s Living, the talk on a cellphone during texting all the while, that drives internationally 75 MILES PER HOUR on 5, on another, nursing of her/its/their twins of solving of a Rubik of \'s Cube and getting of a Brazilian wax, and she/it even signaled, as changing of alleys.

I must admit, I was impressed, but I am surprised: do you make doing themselves of excessive multitasking for no one of you social pressure women catch from any self-created? However, you/they now measured a standard of the Sie\'wieder.

from Scarlett Hussein, dirty liberal,

Best answer chosen by voters

This woman is my hero.

JaJa, I catch Multi-tasking for myself to the point of the excess to times. We live company, and it, \'s in a high gone up and down always goes, you go, from which of Morgendämmerung from twilight til. But I started, not toover a conscious effort, to do, you do it. Burden is für your health bad. If I land, \'t gets a special Stundenlekt books to do the dishes, because I spent,üre with my daughter, or, to make a nice one, time, consuming of 6 course meals for my family, it therefore is. Niemand\'s, that goes, to remember, if I dishes 30 years of now in my Spülbecken would have. Sie\'wieder of going times this together to remember you us, that are had, and that is which matters to me. 50 percent 8 voices saves to it! ! RSS Aimee Invaluable "Multitasking is productive as counter deceptive as most people understand it. You/they normally tend too multitask, because she/it itself fühlen, that leaving makes sie\'wieder task faster, but the reality is, multitasking is unproductive, that it slows us down, longer it takes tasks to complete, we are more likely to commit

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Our burden level increases Aimee Invaluable mistakes and it.

, To take in order to learn more from multitasking about the effects, you with this free exercise? done=http%3A%2F%2Fanswers.. com &. src=knowsrch &. intl=us"> Sign in or registers.

Other Answers (13)

from extra Ruper First, somebody beat a writing on the behavior. Then, they placed it as a headächlich female characteristic solid. And schließlich decided somebody for itself to glorify it, and does it worthy from respect. Sighs.

Multitasking is no admired technology. The truth is, many women participate AWFULLY! Involved as far as ich\'m, it demonstrates a lack of organizational and Zeitmanagementfähigkeiten.

through Joaquin-M I dont knows, why they make such a big deal for multitasking. MännerMänner can concentrate better on one single task, make Although as women, women are to multi task, because of a fatter body collosum in the center of the brain, better communication between the 2 hemispheres for her/its/their ability famous, this same characteristic does her/it/them, distracted more easily and difficult for her/it/them, that focused your whole attention to one single task. Now, this, which tüchtiger is? doing of all at the same time or doing from all of the row after fast? ask an industrial engineer or a manager, and she/it würden the last says.
I jargon believe like some of the women that answered this question about it how they use so with pride multitasking! My way, tasks too leyelets, is more proficient, consequence of tasking, tested fact and i dont goes aroud that brags with it.
Jennifer C: thats not multitasking, thats, of the tasks in a consequence, men.s-Weg, makes. his/its tthe good work upholds üchtigeres with it!

from PortWine Chewing nicotine rubber during, to during one rub out, everything, which I can handle, is.

from lioness like over a lady in the streets and monster in the sheets, who is? lol... demands role, that plays, it and takes other Persönlichkeiten at, sees, body language, vocal language.... you would look these at too many Multi-tasking? lol 6 percent 1 voices

from B Dorian Wow, you caught a good one.

Normally the one, that I see, drives come the talk on her/its/their cell telephone and the effort to meet my car without signaling (that is only 3) at now ladies, good matter, that I pay attention to other cars, while I drive. You/they lived every time meets for me soon!

Did you get the license number the one, that you saw? You/they should her/its/their a Trophäe gives. 6 percent 1 voices

most days, I feel like this woman of Shana N! :) I believes, thereß company with it many demands, to keep lives, has successfully onward going that multitasking the single way to hold step, is. I work gegenwärtig full-time a government work, a child pulls up from me, and works on my doctor of the philosophy. MeinMein lives is planned something with organization and him/it from down to the last minute of the day only when there the point,ß I self-induced OCD has! I

IchIch agrees at the way so somewhere, I will faint or have a full blown hit. GeeigneterGeeigneter will place I my spot of fat from driving along the work, während this of my contacts in it placing, at the telephone talking and that a sequence always giving for what, I need my son, in order to train, for the drive delivering the bills through lady in the mail. :) 6 percent 1 voices

from Jennifer C, I always am Multi-tasking. Während ich\'m with the work, I normally have a current list of the pieces to get the grocery store, to do piece like it, to hold for gas and to clean the car, and will normally in-throw any bill, that pays and calls, in order to make dates for this or this. When I come home, I do the dinner and help with homework, there are times of doing of some l and so onästiger work, that catches up on e-mail, for ich\'ve burned the dinner or lost my train of thought and forgot, why I smooth, went into a room.

from Brooke, I believe that my multitasking is because of a short attention span. I tend to begin a project, it finishes, begins you another and finishes to work on both and so on. I wouldn\'t says, thereß I social pressure feels. Right, I then do homework, this and W againgrayling, only any water gave also to the cat. Hmmm... I did those matters, because however, I can, not because of the pressure. I think... geez, this is härter as my homework.

through teeleece.... oh my God! I kann\'t believes, thereß you me saw! Now, das\'s everything in the work one day. Indeed, at the moment ich\'m, that my magic tricks practice, this rabbit continues to get from me, when reading from Proust, when breaking up of any fish, when plucking of my eybrows, learning, away as guitar is to be played, and doing of the NY times of crossword puzzle. In ballpoint pens. Oh yes. We women swing!!! 6 percent 1 voices

through cottage lomax can therefore not give the answer, that you need, multitasking to busier you.

through????? the single multitasking, that I can do q\'s answered on answers, during with the work. ;)

But I must be a mood of the nature besides it because I don\'t have any multitasking-Fähigkeiten. I kann\'t intently itself even on a book, if the TV or the music are switched on. 13 percent 2 voices

through take care of, she/it drove with her/its/their feet because her/its/their arms were full with twins, {the girls, and the GIRLS, during getting a Brazilian?

Could I get the number from these people, who do Brazilians on the way? 13 percent 2 voices

from Ronnie of the MLK of GWS sometimes, I have Wachtv and speech over the cell telephone..., while the credit of sex,... Thats quite, as many Multi-tasking as it get,...

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