Friday, 22 July 2011

What to do over sore nipple, during nursing of twins?

What to do over sore nipple, during nursing of twins?

I have twins, and a nipple is very sore, I can hardly stand to work as a nurse for the first few minutes on it. Both bbies any time wnat, in order to work as a nurse at the same time. You/they are 4 days old. What is the best matter to be done?

from Heather

Best answer chosen by voters

ask your doctor for treatment medicines. Put it our, they will become even more sore, but then, they become Z within the weekbecomes äher upward, and it will be wonderful. 33 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (6)

from McComasM... I had this same problem the first couple of the weeks, who nursed. I place auf\'t believes, thereß my bad small nipples to so much attention was used! But it strives for a while away, and then können you hardly the baby care feels!

Trouble in order to possibly reach the best Klinken-auf for itself to put in the position of the baby that drinks to the sore breast at the breast this, the fewest hurts.

But it could not be frustrated the best matter, in order to do, because a baby can sense "pain and also induces him/her to emphasize. Drink a großes glass yours of favorite beverage, while you nurse, and you only take the trouble to relax... it gets, you improve, I swear!

Hope that helps this and congratulation to the twins!

through mom rose.... first from all, you don\'t stop to work as a nurse! It will unify only your problem. Then, you guarantee, thereß you on it any lanolin has, before you nurse. You/they müssen it, to work as a nurse, doesn\'t wash off. After it, you call both a lactation advisor with your hospital, or you call your local La Leche-Verband leaders. DerDer lactation advisors can be reached, in that one calls the hospital table, and the LLL-Leiter either can locatred in the telephone book or through the call the KL is web site and seeking in your area after one. Both of them becomes fwhat goes on to cause the pain is ähig to help to assess. A LLL-Leiter becomes fähig is to be done a home or a hospital visit, and any pamphlets or fliers can bring, that you need. A lactation advisor has a Büro that goes you to it will have to.

Nipple pain is usual, but not normal, if it is, more than simply a little uncomfortable. Most new mommies jump some days long as snapping on it to a few weeks, but the Gefit eases ühl soon, within seconds of Klinken-auf, if it simply is a question of getting, thoughened on." However, if your nipple is ignited, you smooth very red and painful if not nursing, or you have pain throughout feedings, attention needs this. And it always is the best, help, to bring fast, before the problem becomes a more badly habbit.

Almost all sore nipples are caused by bad handle. ICH\'m certainly have you much people speech to you over right snapping had, but if you don\'t have, you definitely would profit from professional help. A lactation advisor or a LLL-Leiter, that both extensinve-Wissen and experience will have in this and many other nursing questions, and is priceless, as being well received of a problem. Both of them can your handle einsch with both babiescorrodes, and sees, if it is a fast positioning solution, or maybe, if something a little more complicated one must be done. For example mußte I some days long excercises with my third child pushes, about her/its/their traction her/its/their enough tongue, to help from her/its/their mouth, not to make about me sore. It was easy, and my LLL-Leiter was St very muchützend, without to be overbearing,:)

My answer was so long sad, but I hope that it helps. Glückwunsche to your new baby, and good for you for it, to nurse her/it/them! It will be wonderful, hängen you in there only!


Nursing none of book of Jack Newman, or published through La Leche League International, and books through the Sears\', is good, also. 17 percent 1 voices

from Loreli Mit, my left nipple was blistered for my oldest, then, jumped, skinned and bled. Everytime, on which she/it snapped, I gnashed with my Zähnen, and I took it. All breast salves, like Lanisoh, and creams didn\'t works für me. My lactation advisor said, thereß the best matter would be a little bit of milk to be expressed out after the baby of this side ate away, and rubs it drily it on your nipple and your let of this. Breastmilk has antiqueörper, and it will heal your breast faster than over the counter stuff on the market. Hope, thereß this helps!

from Choobies... troubles you for itself to pump the sore breast, until it heals enough for you in order to nurse again on it. If your nipple continues disintegrated, it can start to bleed, and your baby will finish to pick up your blood. , Thereß, or it can be ignited, and you can pass the infection to your baby. 17 percent 1 voices

from Mindy K, you have the following elections: let either done a baby on the least sore breast as as a nurse, you yearn as it, then wants the seond for a few minutes on the same breast, you then change to the sore breast.
or-or start the first with the least sore breast, then changes you to the sore breast and begins you second on sorest. If still second then switche-Brüste hungry is,

through momma2mi.... Use Lansinoh on your nipples. You/they können it with Walmart buys, and the most drug camps, babies R we and so on

Have a lactation advisor, or La Leche association leaders checks your handle, in order to do sure both babies, snaps correctly on it, as if they make it wrong, that it could cause pain. A LLL-Leiter becomes daf for youür helps, frees you and is ready maybe to visit a mommy of newborn twins at home!


17 percent 1 voices

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