Friday, 22 July 2011

What is the largest quantity of breastmilk, that you pumped once?

What is the largest quantity of breastmilk, that you pumped once?

My record now is 16 ounces, that I got 6 hours, after bottle had given breastmilk to nurse my twins, who are nursed with 7pm, chilled with 11pm, pumped with 1am before I went to the bed.

Being surprised, how many other women produced one the headquarters? If there is a world record dafür? lol.

Additional details

I get normally approximately 14 ounces this time, therefore 16 then were not so differently what I normally get. But Zahlengröße that does it to sense. Two babies ask ungef for one dayähr 60 ounces milk, and 1/4 out of one day are 6 hours. 15 x 4 = 60 ounces.

I don\'t know how big my breasts now are, tremendously however. FF or some verrückt like it. I was DD as I became pregnant, and D in 9. Degree. I was a full C in 5. Degree.

Big breasts and twins, that become, in our family lain, is there a connection maybe? lol.


through ~ NeoVict...

Best answer chosen by voters

lol THAT a fun fight would be!!! my baby eats very soo, that hardly I time or milk, has to pump, therefore I was quite proud of me as I got out of 4 oz into one the headquarters!!! 100 percent 1 election save to! ! RSS

Other Answers (6)

from Heather + Jacob = Lillian Meine record is 12 ounces.. Congrats on the 16, wow!

from Iza Pando, I nourished itself and breast breast lived and pumped. I am of soooo eagernessüchtiger lol, I have Größen-c-Brust, and I could pump only from 4 oz with both breasts!

from Paige Ach wow. Haha. ICH\'m glücklich, 3 oz the headquarters, to get into one. But then again, they it almost 5 months and still BFing every 1-2 hours the whole day. = /

from awesome Rockin-Mama i, you believe that got i like 16 oz once, and that was as my son was 8 months old. erer had a 8hr surgical operation, and i couldnt füttert him/it this morning, and had to pump i with the hospital. one of the Krankenhauses\'s borrowed i pumps, because at home i mine vergaß. it was become saturated VERY MUCH i.

other than, that as she/it a pump uses, never gets more than similar 4 oz ive.


nursing no more

from Amanda Mit, I believe my first that my record 8 oz was. I pumped ausschließlich with her, because she/it had a bad handle and only the bottle would take breastmilk. My record 9 oz is with my second. over half a hour after feeding of her, she/it didnt eats very much, before however, I pumped. Shes 9 months old now and still nurses, but I pump no more. I was in the habit of pumping directly, before I went to work, but it only got in order to be, you also time consuming and ich\'m away only from the house für 6 hours, I work part-time. she/it gets formula if ich\'m with the work. Es\'s only 1 maybe 2 bottles 4-5 days per week and it hasnt screwed silence for her/it/them up, so that I am O.K. with it.

through Nina, 2 x would be like many ounces, 250ml bottles and a 150ml flask is? And I held on that occasion, I still been able to continue, if I in the mood dafür would be.

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