Friday, 22 July 2011

Was I wrong to nurse my baby niece?

Was I wrong to nurse my baby niece?

IchIch was at the shopping center with my mother, my baby niece, recently, that some days long I worry from took, and my own baby. We had riseört, only with penny einzukaufen\'s and on our way to another store, as Babynichte thinks to cry started because she/it was hungry. Mom proposed, thereß I she/it both with penny in the dressing room nurses, \'s however I asked therefore with her, me, to leave her/it/them quiet on one of the benches in the usual area of the shopping center. , ICH\'ve always wanted two babies in Nurses public, so that I could show everyone, was I a good mommy and, to also pretend, I had twins. It was so precious, Anyways, one of the ladies of the church saw me and went aufwärts and "Ich said didn\'t know, that you had twins". I divided her/its/their didn mit\'t and thereß the baby girl my niece was,;) you then said me, that however, I should not nurse any other baby because of any DNA-Wesens my own one. I didn\'t understands, thereß it however it me really injured and me to it later brought to cry. I place \'t aufversteht why this could be bad? Did she/it invent this?

through redpatto...

Best answer chosen by voters

It was not bad. Maybe the single DNA-Problem is at the lady extremelyählten you, that were bad for the baby. But it also is true, thereß human milk a physically molten capable communicable illness conveyance is.

It is not days very usually in such a way besides times you before, it was very usual to see this. Mher/its/their children wanted to nurse ütter for other reasons and wanted to have somebody differently not to do it. Before time, it gave none f to substituteür nursing. If doesn\'t nurse the mother k her/its/their own childönnte, the single alternative was to be found somebody differently to do it.

There is a little bit of a film of the equipments this question. I don\'t remember the name of it. If a Mexican film is, and it is really good film ouchßer the way. 18 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other answers, 1 - 30 out of 31,

from Jo Anne H first from, no breast feed shouldnt you a baby thats not yours. the desire secondly to it "Show from in public" simply simply is strange.

through Amy b no she/it properly doesn\'t have. indeed there, it is called a web site, of the women, who adopt thier-Babys too breatfed, encourages. es\'s only milks, there are hormones and stuff in them, but it is not really important. on the other hand. it still brings me from the one, that you made for this. sad

from Mellisa C i, you nurse my daughter, but this doesn\'t think i I which brands, a good mommy is... it is very strange to know, that breast would nourish you another womens-Kind.. I could understand, if you had this baby eternally, and is her/its/their keeper for more than only a few days.. something thought her/its/their mommy? It is not schädlich for the child, if you feed her/it/them, because it is, you simply milk except if however, you used any type of drugs,.., but beside the sounds of exhibition of your good mothering Fähigkeiten-i-Don\'t believes, that you are on drugs.
Anyway with it ya one little strangely and flipped out out to think, that somebody really would do this,.., but other, than this i is sure, that you are a good mommy,.. simply makes you it no more.

from Nicole C well if it no original baby u should\'nt from it is, done that, because it could prepare even the baby any damage u or mabye!!!!

from Wonderio.... this nauseates, you would become does something like he/it for your sick enjoyment. I didn\'t want my child, who sucks on somebody else, \'s-Brust. you think seriously thereover after.

through nicky l this something the hell?? i-Mitte this something, if original neices-Mama went upward and saw that u that does this she/it probaly would become, ve stepped original * * * you made this straight one, so that u special attention, that could get, what is wrong with some people today. my doc told me, thereß Ihr didn\'t assume to confuse a baby over her/its/their milk, you give them a type and stick to it, and this gave u to baby original milk if shes probaly on a formula or her/its/their mother pumped breast milk. why didnt, the u only the baby her/its/their own bottle in it with her/its/their own milk gives. maybe, thereß lady of the church or original mommy Ihrem sis/bro of it will tell, and she/it can you have tell for her/it/them in this situation.

through ashley l, you get help

from Jack Get trained. Get your fact straight. I guess this, that is, which you itself bemühen, to do, here. If certainly it wäre, to nurse your child, certainly also then was being nursed another child. You/they don\'t should yourself the mother w into the way stellen\'sünscht. If it against the mother wit then wishes äre, \'s that it should be a last way out after other alternatives had been exhausted.
Her/its/their reasoning is for the wanting in public nurses questionable. I cannot say, thereß it definitely wrong is, but it is questionable. It is not wrong, in , To nurse public discreetly. Making a show for it is unsuitable. You/they nurse, about a child too ernheads. Everything is this. Still something is from little application. 9 percent 1 voices

from SuperMom.... the problem is, that I have, it sounds like you, you then made this for own self-gratification. ICH\'m a mommy of 3 Mnursed all my children ad I little and knows, that I am a good mommy. I didn\'t need, still I worry, if they Public sees, I nurse, what was the best for my babies, made my children, because I know, i. As far as nursing from it your neice wäre O.K., if she/it didn\'t have any other means to nourish her/it/them, no formula or her/its/their mommies well from your neice on breastmilk)as as the permission, \'s-Mama. my self, that I land, \'t knows many mommies, who wanted none one the sharing other in such a particular binding experience in her/its/their child, when she/it fähig to it, to make her/its/their self for him/it, is. I also place auf\'t understands, why you fühlen, that it was so important to do it in such a public position like in the middle of a busy shopping center, as you had other possibilities. We as mommies, the right, has be children to be worked as a nurse, to where we ever need, but there is not any reason, the right für your own satisfaction, to abuse, particularly with somebody other, \'s-Baby!!

from Thorbjor... here as a man in strange country would say gladly I, that this more public breast feeding can give a healthier attitude to only Americans over breasts. That is this, f,ür this she/it God intended, and it only is Anglo, Christian prudeness that manages the wish among men to see, that prohibited, "". show from, if you wwe little, but only, if you are nursing. 9 percent 1 voices

from Bassetlo... gets you a life, I cannot emphasize this sufficiently.

from MrsMama2... I believes that your REASONS for it to do this, wrong is. In many Fwet nurses were used the question ällen in order to do orphans, preemies, as a nurse besides thats. You/they never should make this decision for itself. Ohßer if the Baby\'s-Mutter told you, that you could. If you the baby für she/it would look at, why didnt that you have bottles for the baby? 9 percent 1 voices

through Queen Queso There, nothing wrong is with the action itself, breastmilk for babies obviously is the best, and people hired \'wet nurses for centuries. If somebody reads this, that doesn\'t weiß, a \'wet nurse\' is a woman, who had a baby of her/its/their own one recently, and is lactating that is put in in order to nurse somebody elses-Baby if the mother is incapable or only wants disturbed.

Don\'t weep with it in fear, there are rare cases to make your niece sick, because it won\'t happen, as she/it could be allergic to a component, but it is not likely.

What I think, * was * incorrectly over it was the reasons, that you did it,: with it you could boast.

There is not any connection between \'beeing a good mother\' and nursing of two babies in public for the single reason that other people will notice you. You/they könnten has not been, but people, who do matters like it, only often do it, so that somebody some negative one will tell them, and they can begin an argument. You/they want Märtyrer for her/its/their causes is.

Remind it me, he/it forms in Sunday, me a history, Christian\' is been fitting over the street corner. you has go thisört?

from Christy, if you had an illness like HIV, that you could place a baby with risk, in that you nurse it. But there is no reason of this of a baby\'s nursing differently, as your own one of a DNA-Standpunkt gefährlich is. It könnte not the most moral matter, to do, has been, if you knew, that your sister would disapprove of. But if you think wouldn your nun, \'t kümmert itself, and definitely if the baby was hungry and had to be nourished, then, it seems quite sensible.

Centuries, as gave it, long that doesn\'t milk any artificial baby did from the milk of cow, that it was usual for women in order to nurse the babies of other people. Professional wet nurses könnten it does, and sometimes, relatives would help also mothers in this way.

It is uncommon in our culture for people in order to nurse the babies of physically different people but there are milk banks, for the women, that are capable, to pump special breast milk, her/its/their milk for babies, who are incapable, donates to have her/its/their own mommy\'s milk. And I has go stories of womenört that nursed her/its/their sister \'s or the children of neighbors before.

Is any information breastmilk over milk banks and sharing here. This place has many good connections für you:

through gspmommy, There is not anything uncertain over it, rich ladies used wet nurses for centuries, but it is nice for me from bulk. I never wanted another woman, even if she/it extremelyit became ählt and my child nursed.

through bellabab... like old is you so unripe to deal? why you wanted to pretend, thereß you twins had? if somebody else, that me breast of my daughter fit is ütterte, \'d very angry, that you didn\'t have this right, except if you have the permission, from which you didn\'t mention, that you did her/it/them, and everyone continues to say his/its consent in the old days, they always had wet nurses or something, but everyone remembers is not only cause of what they use, okay she/it in order to do in the old days in order to hang people in the old days uses it makes okay plus also for this brand is on to the baby\'s mother if his/its consent, that you were not supposed to have taken it on, this decision 9 percent, to meet 1 voices,

through wvcountr.... first from all, in public too quiet what Sie is for a good mommy doesn\'t show, everything is, which it shows, that you want, you, in order to see, populate that your boobs.There is no medical reason, why you don\'t should, but it really is your sister only goofy.If, or knew sister-in-law, that she/it would have gone some days long, was supposed to have pumped her/it/them some days of supply of the milk in bottles.your-Mama, was, correct next time gets a room or a bathroom stall.

through alysiac7... no shes man crazy i wish i certainly had become a sister with a baby, who drank it also at the breast, you give me women, who are used, for wet nurse feed her/its/their baby, a brake, also for years to have because they didn\'t can, nothing wrong is for her with it. think thereover after that we drink intimidates milk lol the ein\'s a small one little more unrefined

from TwinBabi... good day,

First from, that is simply unrefined. Second did, you ever look at the film, "The hand, that weighs the cradle"?. this Kindermad little nursed to suck the Mamas-Baby, in order to turn from it the baby away, on Mamas-Brust. The film was about revenge. I würde again never this does. This will confuse your neice, and maybe she/it doesn\'t spring open again to Mamas-Brust to.

You/they tell you better that sister and your mommy better were supposed to have known. And, why did you not have one bottle of milk with you if she/it became hungrily??????

Hope that this helps you,.....................:) 9 percent 1 voices

through me? EC well, dort\'s nothing wrong with other babies, who get your breastmilk. But if the permission has you didn\'t to nurse your niece, thereß you in the injustice was. But, if you the permission hätten, as there is not anything wrong with it. PersI would prefer somebody trustworthily önlich to give a breast to my daughter if she/it was hungry sooner than formula.

I think to show this care about public that you a good mommy and pretending are, you have, twins are very unripe and a stupid reason, to work as a nurse in public. I place auf\'t thinks, thereWorking ß as a nurse in public is wrong, I make the whole duration with my 5 months old for him/it and use to with my toddler, until she/it was approximately 20 months old, but, to work as a nurse in public, really is for the reason... strangely and kinda wound.

from Violet, I would be personally furious, if somebody nursed my baby, I would not worry if you were my sister. And yes, it can gefährlich is. Doesn\'t say, thereß you illness has, but many illnesses passed through breast milk. Anyway, Don\'t asks us, if incorrectly it wäre, you ask your sister, it was her/its/their baby. If she/it then has a problem with it, that whoever worries what we think, doesn\'t. 9 percent 1 voices

from Christy C, It could be completely sure. There are breastmilk donation centers für mommies, who can, \'t nurses. Therefore giving her/its/their breastmilk to another child was O.K. as you yearn as you are a healthy mommy.
On the other hand I hope that you had the permission to nurse your neice. As a mommy erwäge I, to nurse my particular bond with my children, and felt penetrate me this bond comfortably with somebody.

through blwatson... first... what does breast, that feeds in public, have everything to do with a good mommy, who is? I hätte an attack had if everyone, that breast fed my child. Yes i believes, thereß u wrong, to do it only, was, so that could boast u.

durchdurch synchronized... besides the fact that little uncomfortably Frauenbrust, that lives, one some of us does, that I must say this,... back in the really really old days you in the Roman empire, prosperous people were in the habit of hiring another person in order to do her/its/their children as a nurse. I place auf\'t believes, thereß it is, all this big from a deal... and doesn\'t listen church ladies over anything, because they are only talkers mainly.

it is made actual from Carla C special breastmilk for each baby. The woman was right in a sense... won a Malverletzte she/it \'t, but one Mütter breastmilk, in order to give exactly this to her/its/their baby, what it needs your milk is drafted, are those not resembling you the Mütter-Erlaubnis as her/its/their mothers.PLus had? 9 percent 1 voices

through keenbrit.... personally I believe that you are bonkers. If my Babywürde \'s-Tante my child nurses, I would beat the devil from her. 9 percent 1 voices

from there, The bombards reason, you made it for public, was very unripe, but you definitely didn\'t have any pains your neice. There were wetnurses for centuries. ImIm Sthe white ladies of the day had blacks slaves üden as wet nurses. No problem. Breast milk always is für a baby better. AberAber should you haben\'s-Mama the permission of the baby, that did, with it.



from Sandra K Kein is not be true. My own daughter had a problem with breast milk. Therefore mußte I breat really holds against feeding me deveststed which from her. A nurse with the hospital, where I work, proposed, thereß I my breast milk, that I did, donates after they had set me up with the whole info. I think, you did, something is wonderful

vonvon mommy of 2, as big grandmother means her/its/their children had,...... going back in the day...... you had 6 BTW 1 1/2 - 2 years of old-age difference between everyone of them. Between some of them, she/it became sick and could not nurse. She/it had a very good friend, who helped her/it/them, während she/it sick was. You/they würde also the baby, who was at the moment small, nurses. All 6 of my aunts and my uncles went out simply finely and still live. Old that moves from her/its/their 60 \'s to her/its/their 70\'ern. if the history doesn\'t answer your question, I don\'t know which can. This lady mußte her/its/their own business concern.

, to read, you love through me, I agree to the other posters, you have questions and should take the trouble to get help to negotiate with them. This part worries me: "I always want to nurse two babies in public, so that I could show everyone, I was a good mommy and, to also pretend, I had twins." Please speaks you with an advisor because of your idea of the mother role and definitely doesn\'t nurse your niece again. 9 percent 1 voices

Goes to shout you out,

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