Do you disaccustom if they are ready?
There is a question for outstretched nursing.If people are, you assume, a breast nourished baby to disaccustom children of one bottle in a certain age, why should, you don\'t stop to nurse. ICH\'m, that doesn\'t say, so früh, as my doctor wanted my girls of the bottle, but before the age of 3.
There are reasons, of the doctors wants, that a toddler stops to take pacifiers and bottles through a certain age. You/they beschris änken social interactions to talk to a pacifier in your mouth beside impossible, they cause mouth problems. If it doesn\'t interfere with social interactions, if a child Ständig to mommy runs?
I don\'t say that you offer, it is no breast milk, if you feel, useful for THE TODDLER, but placed it in one cup. ICH\'m, that thereover talks, the child an independent provider and a self, to make soother, and capable to communicate and to be his/its old about other children.
Is it the mother\'s need to feel itself, that are wanted, and need, or must the baby be fortified seriously at a Mütter-Brust until it is in 3 in order to get all benefits?
Before everyone begins, I nursed my son until him/it, was 8 months old, no bottle with all, none pump. But with 8 months, I closed to the work theück, and he/it started to get a sippy-Tasse in it with formula, and by 12 months, he/it fed himself with a spoon and forks.
My twin girls were because of some questions of fed formula. You/they are 14 months old, slept through the night since 3 months and have no more bottles.
Additional details
If breast feeding so good for then developing vocal muscles, is, why did my son have apraxia heavy, and use not even one bottle or a beverage of a regular sippy? The whole Brustfütterung that he/it did, from which he/it should, didn\'t have any problem to control the muscles in his/its mouth and his/its throat, however, he/it did. It is only like every others endpractice, it only developes the muscles, that it uses, no other than one bottle.2
through angedela...
Best answer chosen by Asker
I don\'t believe that babies should be on the breast, that long both personal. The optimal benefits of breast milk give until 3 years, but this doesn\'t mean, thereß it with the breast must be. I believe, thereß it also of a sippy best would be. You/they müssen learns to drink from one cup and to eat with spoons and forks. I almost feel them/her/it resembling as you.- Asker \'s Rating:
- Asker \'s Comment:
- You/they were the single, that actually understood. I think is more für mommy needed, who felt, as it is, because the childs profits.
Other Answers (5)
through km&g, why do you worry? Serious. How beeinflußt it you?
"If people are, you assume, a breast nourished baby to disaccustom children of one bottle in a certain age, why should, you don\'t stop to nurse,"
Bottle feeding doesn\'t offer any benefits at the age of 12 months. Nursing does.
There are reasons, of the doctors wants, that a toddler stops to take pacifiers and bottles through a certain age. You/they beschris änken social interactions to talk to a pacifier in your mouth beside impossible, they cause mouth problems. If it doesn\'t interfere with social interactions, if a child Ständig to mommy runs?"
Nursing toddlers run "constantly not to mommy". if they play with other children, they probably place auf\'t even thinks almost nursing. My son almost is one year old, and I place auf\'t remembers on the last time, thereß he/it in public as a nurse worked. He/it becomes inattentive. If he/it works a quantity more wir\'wieder as a nurse at home the whole day.
If a toddler works as a nurse in public, it is for comfort and nap/bedtime extremely likely., if a child fällt, doesn, \'t he/it normally runs "to mommy?"
Is it the mother\'s need to feel itself, that are wanted, and need, or must the baby be fortified seriously at a Mütter-Brust until it is in 3 in order to get all benefits?"
No, the mother is clever not to remove anything, that offers comfort, and big health profits. They it, that does something, which the child nützlich is. Sie\'wieder a nursing mommy, w,ürde I believes, that you know, like annoyed and difficult it, to pump, is. And only für the satisfaction of others? Screw this.
through hello mom, who nourished old breast, that baby with a spoon and beverages of one cup eats, my 9 months. ICH\'m not certainly this, which always this something at a certain age with Brustf, however,ütterung must make.
eta: I am not what is your question, sure. as far as I it gathers, es\'s NOT okay für a child to breast feed with 3, but this something approximately 2.5? you continues to mention the age of 3, does breast milk, do you change full age with 3 years? is, thereß of some ich\'m not consciously from?
firstly, pacifiers and bottles are plastic. Mama\'s-Brustwarzen are not. they don\'t cause any kieferorthopädischen problems like pacifiers and bottles.
Second second has breast feeding at the age of a many usefulness and blah blah blah however I betted, that you know this. google-Nutzen outstretched Brustfütterung.
third, skin, to skin about contact.
from the breast, to work directly as a nurse, retains, that your supply improves, as pumping does.
it developed for itself also for mommy.
pumping of doubles the time, if it needs in order to pull milk.
and I for one, is not capable to pump a quantity, because my supply is regulated so well, and it therefore is my body in-Einklang a machine with that, what my baby needs, doesn\'t do.
fourth asks a mother, who nurses her/its/their 3 years old, how often they do it. ICH\'m können you calms, it often is not.
fifth, m.y.o.b.
beside Smurfy-Bergfrieden, he/it go and go, fills, and pacifiers are very different as the breast. See here:
by Haruhi Nursing, you don\'t cause any orthodontic problems like a plastic nipple, or pacifier does. Indeed fördert care good jaw development.
My care, that is 3 years old, is very independent and runs "constantly not to mommy."
I never have been capable to pump, I well simply don\'t answer and pump very little. And pumping doesn\'t work as effectively as direct care and, completely often, according to pumping sabotages the breast milk supply. Also wünscht itself my child the comforting contact of direct care.
A very independent provider is my 3 years old. He/it ißt well and beverage of one cup, not a sippy, simply fine. He/it also has much social interaction with children his/its old.
One cannot force any child to work as a nurse, that is rather impossible. I nurse because my son wants and it needs. It is not definitive everywhere about me and my needs, although I love the many health benefits, that I earn personally from outstretched nursing.
I am confused honestly over it where you get your information about outstretched nursing because it seems quite ignorant.
from NONAME seriously, why do you worry? Trägt you somebody on, to work your 3yo personally as a nurse?
And well my daughter fed herself with a spoon with 9 months for you and forks. Oh, and I erwähnte accidental, that she/it was nursed, until they were 2 1/2yo?
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