Friday, 22 July 2011

What are the chances of twins?

What are the chances of twins?

This is my second pregnancy.
MeineMeine daughter is almost 6 months old, she/it was a fraternal twin, but the other passed in the womb and some was picked up like.
What I had left a baby therefore was of universe, and and another empty bag with delivery.

Fraternal twins lie in my family. My Große grandmother had 2 sentences!

Because I bore my daughter, it feels that I ovulate twice per month.
And get a period every 6-8 weeks. , when nursing,
I actually tested 4 weeks of my last period and got a positive one!

Un not sure, if no one of it will increase the likely hood of the twins, or more, but un curious.
I had to see an ultrasound, how was far at me, and it was everything early to be seen. But I had a Blutprüfung.., SO THAT I am pregnant.
Un approximately 6 weeks now.

Whats funny is, me was said, that it then should be a quantity this time to become pregnant heavier, it was last time because the form of my uterus.. HAA goes.


through whatif

Best answer chosen by voters

first had well i, a girl then became again pregnant and had girls twins(fraternal to then want a boy i, became again pregnant and found from i, it even then had happened well pregnant with young twins (brotherly), who came the next and last, a boy also #6, i had the 12. and 13. Sentence of the twins in my family, but hello has you ALL been Mad little, that the first was i in order to have young twins but now multiple young twins in the family... i guesses, that you can really never know what is, oing to happen, until it happens,... only waits you and sees


experiences 1 election save 3 girls personel 3 boys 2 single persons of sound & 2 sentences of the twins 100 percent to! ! RSS

Other Answers (3)

from NONAME Wenn in your family, lain fraternal twins have Sie a bigger chance for the event of the twins. It means, thereß you has, the "hyperactive, that two eggs essentially ovulate at the same time, own. It can pass every time, if you ovulate, or maybe it happens at all not, therefore can no one sure is, if you will have twins, or not.

Absolutely this becomes nobody said had in my family per twins, and I finished to have brotherly twin boys of course, no fertility deadens,....

The best, matter, in order to do, is you only waits and has you another ultra sound.

from CMUchick because twin lies in your family, the chances of you, that have a sentence of the twins, again to wise high, are but, would be to be seen as there, complications with your last sentence, I would say that that to develop during twins, is to wise high, delivering moderate, to moo, is. Goodluck

through mommy of 1 babies and 2 young dogs! It is möglich. But since nursing unterdrückt ovulation, that I would believe, that your chances to free two eggs at the same time, is, less probably as not normal, but impossible!
Luck, you will be employed VERY MUCH if you have under 14 months in three!

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