Friday, 22 July 2011

Who is used VITEX??

Who is used VITEX??

Did it work? Wofyou used ür? If developed of each twins or used, während nursing???

Other ideas on, as twins are to be developed?

from Phenomen...

Best answer chosen by voters

I use fertility mixture, that has vitex as the main component. I Hafen\'t noticed a große improvement, but it can last 3-6 months in order to see any effect.

Vitex helps lead to regulate your hormones in order to improve ovulation and the luteal. Maybe Vitex actually hurts your chances if you take it and normally ovulate, because es\'s that is used about hormones in women, who are, too balanzieren has an imbalance, if you already become balanziert, can confuse it she/it, therefore würde I it doesn\'t recommend, except if you, that you have an ovulation disorder (PCOS), suspect, luteal defect executes and so on gradually. It won\'t improve your chances to develop twins.

The single way to increase chances of twins is through stipulated fertility medication, and no doctor, that therefore would make his/her-Grad worther him/it rules, and IVF. Otherwise, es\'s vollständig on to the fate and the genetics.

Luck!!! 40 percent 2 Wahlen-Ballabwehr to! ! RSS MarLiesa J used Vitex f Iür a cycle and became pregnant... we, from some weeks long we are found the straight one(s) that TWINS have. You/they don\'t lie in the family, so far, as we know it. So, I also wonder, whether gives it k a connectionönnte? I weiß, that I ovulated for 4 days (without Vitex), let only a positive ov tested I, It works.

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Other Answers (3)

through coco, I used we for one month unfortunately, that I, vitex, didn\'t develop, found out, that we have other questions with introducing for itself. The good matter was, my ovulation was fr four daysüher, it was in the habit 22 and the vitex-Monat cd of being, that it came on cd18! The single matter was, that involved me, if I pregnant on it würde, how do I stop it? I hörte, that stopping with your hormones/progesterone can suddenly eat. I place auf\'t believes, thereß you vitex hurts, but I would see in how holding is if you become pregnant! :) Best Wünsche after you.

ps I brings vitamin B6 for a short luteal-Phase and it to help seems, his/its less risky one than to think vitex, if you take it and are 1 voices prego 20 percent,

through drana_ba... in general is used vitex in order to regulate your womanly hormones. The keyword regulated, that is. I wouldnt opens my hopes of twins, at least not only as well vitex.

Not to healthy cliche, but you should talk with your doc about taking everything while you nurse because any stuff is a certain one, no no, others is debateable.

Twins? Other than clomid or IVF, everything, from which I weiß, genetics is. Sorrowfully I help, is the couldnt, more, and Glück! 20 percent 1 voices

through IVF-Baby on board! I take Fertilaid, the Vitex in it has, and I noticed, thereß my cycles more shortly than what is, they were. I had long cycles since coming off from B.C., and I started a little to take it over one month ago and I ovulated one week, earlier than I normally did,... looked after O about CD20-22 and me to ovulate, \'d on CD12. I am on my 2. Cycle of it and I, is on CD15 and the Gewheads to my cervical liquid, I think O\'d between CD12-14. Therefore es\'s, the für me works,... I would speak with your doc about taking it, while only however it nurses to guarantee, it is O.K.. Not certainly over twins... I thinks 1 voices das\'s the luck of the traction 20 percent

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