Friday, 22 July 2011

WarumWarum don\'t know doctors and nurses about nursing the facts in the motherhood ward?

WarumWarum don\'t know doctors and nurses about nursing the facts in the motherhood ward?

If twins with a C-Teil are taken, and Mom\'s milk is not there yet, why they must assume, is the single end to give them formula. Colestrum is sufficiently good, until the milk enters, and if there is, complications it then gives a Milk bank everywhere over the country for needy babies. Did this happen to somebody?

Additional details

I am really" not overturned. I am BF-Berater and I finds, thereß with it many people to formula goes, because these "specialists" brought her/it/them to the thinking that sufficiently her/its/their breasts no goods gave. You/they place \'t aufaufgegebeneraufgegebener, her/its/their vertr understands like smallägt, is, if first she/it simply in general and supporting in financing the Formula Co was born,... I understands, if it is medically necessary. I wünsche only that more women itself with the facts over it to nurse over books, would empower, intenet and friends/family... blesses you everything, which you from there mother!


from C

Best answer chosen by voters

Notfall-c-Teil, milk not still in, nurses, who place to ask baby on formula without my permission, while I still was in recovery,... sounds much to familar to me. Fügen you only to it, this baby was born four weeks early, and you could tell my story.

I don\'t accuse myself being for this energetic and educated before time and the thinking, that I could do of property, that nurses advice to my hospital. But I guess this, the last matter is, that you think, if all abrupt one becomes you früh four weeks tells, "we must get out this baby at the moment, or he/it will die." Sighs...

Not true from all hospitals, but definitely drives mining. 40 percent 2 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (21)

from yes nope. I muß admit that I had my baby in a really good hospital with a big motherhood ward. The nurses were knowledgeable, and the docs is so. , To see sorrowfully, thereß this you happened.

through Liz hmmm... must be only your hosiptal, my doctor and my nurses, the silence, became high. Sorrowfully, you did a bad experience.

I donate to a milk band in Austin although... more coolly stufff other B/F-Mamas should in in it sees!!! lol


Mommy of two

through Alyssa and Chloe Mommy Milk, banks are expensive, and if the hospital doesn\'t have any support for payment for donor milk, they are probably trained to increase it not even.

Every time if it brought my daughter to the nursery, so that I naps, she/it always would return with a pacifier and a report, that much formula, that had her/it/them, says home, could. I never understood why they continued to do this.

I believe that it happens to everyone. Only you fluctuate your head and your keep, that nurse, as you had planned.

from Jennifer C Tell, they don\'t want you your baby on formula, and you will nurse.. them, to contravene your wishes, is not allowed. You/they place wei auf\'tß really everything of breast feeding, because they don\'t care therefore,.. thats why theres particular advisors assume you for her/it/them to bring in, if theres some wrong one with a patient and a breast feeding or if the mommy requests one,... also theres the la leche-Verband. It didn\'t happens me although because so of m Iüd was and me directly like shit after birth felt, it allows them me to give her/its/their formula... I started to nurse three days later, however.

through mouse_72.... actually I had twins beside C-C-section (with 38 weeks), they didn\'t give us any formula because they felt that my milk started to enter, and that the colestrum was sufficiently good. You/they had be both a breath of the jaundice with the hospital and the day, after we had been freed, one of them readmitted, because his/its jaundice became so heavy. He/it, that gets enough, wasn\'t, to eat. You/they were supposed to have given us formula to use. Beyond it fühlte I, that they were very well informed of nursing. Each nurse, whom we called to help, was fähig, to help us without a problem. And they all encouraged nursing.

As for a Milk bank..... I is not sure, how comfortably I would be with it. I weiß, that many people swear, in that they have only mother, \'s-Milch....., but I also know that many of the formulas also are good.


Mommy of the twins of this then the first year got half of her/its/their nutrients from formula and half of breast milk.

from My3Boys, where I had my babies, all individual births, the nurses and treats, everything also was big over nursing as another poster boasted. Formula is a \'last way out\', per her/its/their hospital politics.

If you give birth vaginally, it lasts until 3 or 4 days for your milk in order to also enter... it gave some underlying worries with her/its/their weight or something maybe, which they didn\'t inform only you of it.

from Nina Lee, I didn\'t have any c-Teil, but the personnel recommended, my son has formula until my milk entered, and, the thinking that they know the best, we fed him/it formula. It it 8 weeks old and that first 2 day is the single time, if he/it had it. Für me found I from him/it, lactose is intolerant so that I learned something of it. However, I agree to your statement.

Sighted, as it tipped over, his/its stomach was only the incentive, that I had to nurse.

through preemie-Mama because.. her/its/their work is, you your bundle joy, to help certainly deliver, and sound. there are b.-fairy-thing-specialists in Krankenhäusern that I found is very helpful w/this. maybe your twins could also not wait for any till, thereß you capable, to take care completely of her/it/them, was. Yes dort\'s NOTHING like breast milk, I am ALL dafür, and I made for him/it, but there is not any need to be excited if they get formula at the exact beginning while you also trouble too b.feed for itself. ICH\'m not also certainly over milk banks. ICH\'d weiß, in what the hell is, that fills, sooner however!
relax.. she/it will be O.K., and will grow in order to be healthy individuals..

through lillilou no, but some hospitals are better than other hospitals simple

through cemented I had times my children in other hospitals and both if they seemed to know a quantity of nursing.

from Starligh.... Colostrum actually is milk, that often because of his/its color and his/its high concentration of the nutrients to as "liquid gold is referred. It is Mutter\'s first milks. Newborns have very small digestive systems, and his/its N delivers colostrum-Milchährstoffe in it a very concentrated niedrige-Volumen-Form. It has a mild abführende effect and encourages the death of the Babys\'s of first stools, that meconium will call.

Later milk is, that knows, doesn\'t enter 4 or 5 until day after delivery for most mothers.

I am sorry to hear that your hospital personnel was no more well educated and informed in order to help you.

from sweet roll & Bub\'s mom, It happened to me with my daughter. She/it became over c-Teil delivered. It became for me atästhesie for the surgical intervention as this of spinal cord didn gegeben\'t takes.

IchIch heard about the lactation advisor before my delivery that the nurses with this hospital were exact per formula. Before I was, you place under" me, carried my husband on not to leave the baby\'s side and to guarantee, NOBODY slipped her/it/them one bottle.

AlsAls I of the surgical intervention woke up, I obviously was uncomfortable and dazed. The nurse told me, thereß she/it would become, you bring me my baby so that I could give her/it/them one bottle because I didn\'t have "any milk" unequivocally. I rejected.

MeinMein baby remained the whole ones, that I was in the hospital, in the room with me, 5 days long, however the nurses were for the nursery the sending of her persevering over me AND fill feeding. She/it had jaundice, therefore bel,ästigten she/it me literally in it, to give her one bottle. You/they were bottles leaves behind "involuntarily", as they entered and controlled me. I beschäftigte me also with spinal cord\'s headaches (that they ignored) remained" surprise, surprise and she/it "me calms, that, if the baby got one bottle, I increase silence would get, and my headaches would go away, the headaches never went away, was freed by the hospital until me and was brought back in order to get an epidural bloodstain.

I don\'t exaggerate one scrap, It was REALLY dreadful. My husband broke at a point only on two of the nurses; it asked them, her/its/their own business too kümmern and to increase about NEVER the formula spends again with me. You/they * schließlich * got the point.

Gratefully, I never gave in..., but I ironic, to look for silence like a dreadful mother after him/it, was done, because my daughter decreased. It was dreadful.

from Baba Booey! Not where I birth, the nurses and this Doctors with my hospital gave, exact pro was, who nursed, and didn\'t want to use any formula except if they absolutely had to it.

from Gigantaf.... wow. Is Colestrum sufficiently good? His/its better than sufficiently well, is the best matter für a newborn baby. If better milk wäre, then we wouldn\'t first makes colestrum, we would start only making milk. Dort\'s a reason colestrum comes into first, and thats, because babies need it.
Of course, they will now die not without it. ICH\'m, that not itself bemüht, to be one from those, the Nazis or everything nurse. As you wählen, your child, a more personally descision, is to be nourished.
AberAber any medical value, that something knows, that transfers colestrum vital immunities, that cannot be found in any formula, and is not in breast milk to the same degree. The hospital had my baby I in it, posters had on it, this of all, over the motherhood ward, to say.
I guess his/its important one, in order to place into your planned birth, that you don\'t want any formula, given to your baby. I placed it f into my birth planür all cases. 20 percent 1 voices

from cemented, my daughter was c-Teil... and didn\'t scream you hold the 2. Day. She/it snapped groß to and it got colostrum and gave only ONE NURSE there this was nursing gung-ho for me. The others pushed the pump and says, thereß I should supplement, while my milk entered. She/it swallowed, she/it got something..., but she/it had many questions of her/its/their stomach this starting, that I believe, in it with it thereWas ß it the casein, that already bugged her/it/them, and this could change food has been, but everything, which I knew, that I am had this a shouting baby, use ", " granting, to eat to those nurses,... and as me, that I would continue to take the trouble to nurse, said did they twitch me quite away and leave only the nipples a 4 package of enfamil RTF, that screw one you, at?) on my night table.

Now, you tell a mom, who is uneducated over nursing, that your baby is hungry, and you must fill only her/it/them and pumps, and in 5 days, you will be good as gold. I did it... and pumped, and everything went abwärts from there.

through truth property, you remember that very few doctors in nutrition have also training. You/they können tells if of Sie\'wieder overweight, but little have sufficiently thorough training, about you to, as is the pounds to be interjected, discusses. Das\'s, why it a separated one Practice for this type of information gives, and it is why there is also so much bad info from there. A thoughtful person can work through the information and this brand sense, but this Aufnahmen-Zeit, a base calculates.

And that is the trick here. Many Krankenhhas her/its/their personnel äuser, and that, lactation advisors hinzugefügt\'s a big matter. I saw a stone star lactation advisor, who helped me with a pump, abm as my son and I usühten and honest with me over our possibilities spoke. They it the single reason, that my son it got at all each breastmilk. , Er\'d admitted to the hospital, pessimistically and gefährlich underweight at his/its first "healthy baby follow-up. I was ready, all the formula, but I, to gehen\'m gladly led at least a hybrid base I,

But she/it was the second advisor, whom I had met. The one in the hospital seemed gleichgültig or inattentive, and released most of my questions with a brusque one, "only you continue to feed him/it, every time if he/it becomes excited, and you are gotten this you hang from it." I didn\'t do, obviously.

We don\'t have much time to compare advice if there is a hungry newborn in our arms.

I am with baby 15 weeks will position a decent lactation advisor in a row #2 and I and will estimate this time a hospital and a folgen-o-Besuch way in advance.

Now there I knows, I can guarantee that I increase well ready is. But I became on that occasion from Surprise taken, like tough it is something to be done, nurses as naturally as you! 20 percent 1 voices

through crispy mom Ach, I am correct completely in agreement, and I am excited. Formula is the answer für EVERYTHING, it seems.

IchIch was therefore discouraged by the lack of support and quality, that nurses resources here, that I began my own nonprofit nursing support group.

Friend friends came in tears with her/its/their babies of the hospital home because doctors had put bottles on her/it/them.

As a nursing volunteer, I constantly get e-mails and telephone calls to parents from it with stories like her/its/their wishes to nurse after birth had not been endured by it.

IchIch would like to group you for itself in order to take my support to the after it levels and gets you into the hospitals. This Doctors and motherhood nurses are saddened incorrectly saddened informed and ignorant if normal occurs, nursed babies and her/its/their behavior.

Too small? Give formula.
Too big? Give formula.
Jaundice? Give formula.
Does baby cry? Give formula.

The one, that is, is, do they produce milk sufficiently not the worst, if is said mothers,... before they smooth, do you go you stuff this hospital!!!!! her/its/their solution? Give formula.

Quotation: but-but there is not any need to be excited if they get formula at the exact beginning while you also trouble too b.feed for itself,

Do you turn the quotes for itself from me? Maybe you place auf\'t feels this way, but the silence of us has EVERY right to be excited if a doctor gives formula to our baby AGAINST OUR WISHES!!!!!!!!!

Good sorrow.


7 nursed 3 boys 1/2 years long so far

through mandyhor.... oh. gosh. As I had myself my first baby couldn, she/it brings \'t to snapping on it. I asked one of the nurses for help, and she/it brought my boob into a hand and my Baby\'s, the other goes in and stieß she/it together only! God honest! This baby finished bottle, that gefit became üttert although I succeeded in nursing my next exclusively.

through aimee_id, It is interesting reading the other answers and is like other hospitals on it. I work dafür and delivered with an exact per-nursing hospital. Indeed, ich\'ve had some friends, that itself fühlten, placed very much under pressure to nurse formula and not to give. I ließ within the first hour my daughter clicks shut, and they made everything too accomodate for my wishes. ICH\'m others didn\'t experience this you.

through bumpfash... I is not what is the question, sure? If there are complications, können you pumps. I had twins, one went some hours long in the NICU, they gave her/its/their formula automatic. As I had my first son, thereß he/it in the Cardiac ICU and many of the mommies was, pumped. Glück!

Because of his/its low class hid answer

I am not sure, but i says, that it is your place in order to say something if you really want your baby it to breast feed and the baby, before ripe you, is sufficiently difficult more concerned at it in order to guarantee there breathing there and so on maybe, if it is, that a big one of a deal should tell them the person and the milk in one bottle should pump, i thought only not, that a mommy had milk, maybe this early plus is colostrum for only well so long so, that you should do more means, it is not the work of the doctor, that is, why they have a person, who knows everything, her/it.

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