Difficulties, nursing of twins?
One of my friends had a sentence of the twins today only 2 weeks ago, and she/it has a little itself troubling quiet. The handle on fine, they make complete... the single problem is, thereß she/it, to be per the two hungriest babies, seems. You/they want to eat at the same time, but first, one is finished after th, there doesn\'t seems to become sufficiently left in order to satisfy the second baby.Did each other have this problem with twins? Any Vorschläge?
from Jillian ~ * Cohen\'s mummy * ~
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ever you more the mroe-Milch, that you only do, feeds because often doesn\'t mean tehy-Futter, she/it has milk sufficiently not. Fütterung often is important she/it must increase her/its/their supply even more to increase her/its/their supply, because she/it has two babies, but it will catch up. Babies machen\'t jsut-Krankenschwester für foodd also nurses her/it/them also for comfort. if her/its/their babies grow and urinate finely, then, she/it has enough milk. one can her/it/them on a breast and one on the other breast füttern, in order to guarantee, that they get both from foremilk the right quantity and hindmilkwith formula, to supplement, only her/its/their supply will decrease
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Other Answers (5)
from Brooke K, I have old twins 4 months, and the same question has. But my babies mußten because of the prematurity questions formula at least twice per day has, and I work to be full time without capable to pump. Say, this will help her/it/them, if she/it will pump, her/its/their milk production too erhöhen. Also, I place auf\'t thinks, thereß a woman\'s body to BF-Zwillingen naturally ready is, therefore earns it little longer for the milk production in order to increase ihn/es and recognizes, there are two babies. :) JMO Wenn it she/it comfortable does, she/it can erg with formulaänzen, but she/it really needs for BF as much as possible, particularly because the babies still are so young, amounts to keep her/its/their milk, itself upward.
I have five children.certainly she/it eats brand from Liz in MI and drinks enough. TeeTee with milk to Getränk and oatmeal with a tiny sugar in the morning brought in my milk highly all the time always to it. You/they won\'t eat with any routine in order to start with it and as soon as she/it a begründen, it for her/it/them easy becomes. Remind her/it/them, thereß this breast best cause, that is, for what they are, is!
Mommy of three thoraxes fedsthrough duncsgir... has you her/its/their attempt, of the babies on each breast at the same time places.
through the getting of it with a 4 of each boobs first first come beverage, both goes you, so much as u doesn\'t conserve any other way of twins,
through mystic_e... / bf/supply/milkpr.
Do breasts need, do you time in order to refill?
Many populate wrongly, thinks you completely at a mother\'s milk supply as it to be bottles like "meat-cover, that are run out, and then needs, you time in order to refill again before baby nurses. This is not simple as we understand milk production in order to work.
First, milk is produced by all anytime, therefore the breast never is empty. Research showed, thereß babies the whole milk not available for the breast, the quantity, takes that baby beverages rely on his/its appetite. The lot of milk, that is removed from the breast, change itself from supply to feed, but determines the average by 75-80 percent of the available milk.
! Itself bemühend, itself to empty completely a breast is to be taken the trouble like it to drain a river, it, \'s impossible, because more milk will continue to flow in it, while milk is removed.
Research also says us that the emptier the breast, the faster the breast brands milk. Therefore if baby a großes percent of the milk removed from the breast, you milk, production will accelerate in answer.
! , Instead of to think of care, or, to pump as it, , To pour "milk from a receptacle", thinks at it, as the twirl on the "high speed production counter!
! Still another analogy: Introduce yourself, you use a straw in order to drink from one glass of water. As you drink, a friend is and gießt water very slowly in your glass. The emptier the glass, the faster gie,ßt Ihr friend the water. Weras you capable, to drink the whole water in your glass?
A ready quantity of time waits to nurse your baby, under the wrong belief that breasts need, you," in order to refill, time actually is destructive. Consistently too verzögern, to work as a nurse, the time of too reduced milk supply will lead because milk production slows down if milk accumulates in the breast.
Connections: Nursing of multiples
/ bf/start/basics /.
/ newman/13still_m.
7. Nursing twins is too difficult in order to cope.
Not true! Nursing twins is easier than bottle, that twin ernährt, if nursing goes well. This is why it is so important, thereß a special effort should be done to get nursing, began you sees have nurse right, if the mother had twins, fliers #1 Breastfeeding.Starting Out Right and #1a The Importance of the skin, in order to skin contact, some women exclusively triplets. Much work and time obviously need this, but twins and triplets take much work and time no matter, like the Säuglinge is nourished.
/ newman/15breast_.
DerDer purpose of the breast compression is the current of the milk to be continued to the baby as soon as the baby drinks no more, "open mouth wide.pause.then end mouth" type from sucks you, however, and the drinking of milk keeps him/it so. Breast compression simulates a let-down reflex and often moves a natürlichen let-down reflex at, to occur. Maybe the technology is dafür useful:
1. SchlechteSchlechte weight gain of the baby
2. Colic colic in the nursed baby
3. Häufige feedings und/oder long feedings
4. Sore nipples in the mother
5. Recurrent Ed managements und/oder mastitis
6. The baby\'s encouraging, that einschläft, in order to continue, to drink the suction not only fast,
Breast compression is not necessary if everything goes well. If everything goes well, the mother should allow it the baby, "", to stop, to live on the first side, and, if the baby wants more, you offer the other side. As know, thereß the baby ready is? If he/it drinks no more with the breast, ("open mouth wide.pause.then end mouth" type from sucks you.
Breast compression works especially well to help the baby in the first few days to get colostrum more. Babies don\'t need much colostrum, but they need some. A good handle and a compression help them to get it.
Maybe it is useful to know this:
1. A baby gets, who is latched well on it, you milk this more easily than somebody is not. A baby, who is latched badly on it, can only milk you get, if the Strömung the milk fast is. So, many M doütter and babies well with it, to nurse despite a bad handle, because most mothers produce an abundance of milk.
2. In the first 3-6 weeks, lives tend many babies to fall asleep with the breast, if the Strömung the milk slow is, not necessarily, if they had enough to eat. After this age, maybe they begin to pull with the breast away, if itself the Strömung the milk slows. But any pull with the breast glättet, if they are much younger, sometimes even in the first days.
3. Unfortunately many babies snap badly on it. If the mother\'s supply it is luxuriant, that the baby well often makes so wide, as weight profit is procured, but maybe the mother pays a price.such, sore nipples, as it a "colicky"-Baby und/oder a baby, who constantly is on the breast, but drinking of only a small part of the time.
Breast compression continues the current of the milk as soon as the baby drinks no more of those and sucks only with it, the breast and the results of the baby,:
1. Getting more milk.
2. Getting more milk, that in fat höher is.
Breast compression. As it is to be done,...
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