Friday, 22 July 2011

Will I be capable to nurse two babies at the same time? How hard it and this, which are, your respects?

Will I be capable to nurse two babies at the same time? How hard it and this, which are, your respects?

I place myself on the health and economic reasons advance, you yearn one, so that I can nurse my children as it, as I can. Everyone about me is not Stützend and they discourage me even more, because there are two babies on the way, but I am sure, there are many women from there, that whoever nursed twins successfully, and I want to try it.

I think care, and also on one bottle, to pump breast milk in order to give her/it/them, a good plan is. Especially, because I plan, to theückzugehen, to work in six or seven months after her/its/their arrival.

What are some matters, that I should know to nurse two?
Is it difficult?

from GorJess8...

Best answer chosen by Asker

Yes you can. Congrats, I, \'m 18 weeks pregnant with fraternal twins. I also count breastfeeding/pumping. Please check from this connection:
Asker \'s Comment:
Thank, you.The-Verbindung was very informative. Save to! ! RSS

Other Answers (1)

from Pippin, you have two breasts. And milk is made on a supply/demand-Basis, according to most Mütter doesn\'t have any problem to do enough milk.

, The system finds, other mothers and other babies, who work the best for her/it/them. Some immediately nurse both babies, any substitute. Some find, thereß es\'s to supplement a little one are others capable, 100 percent breastmilk, to make available, helpfully,

Kellymom and the La Leche-Stelle, the two page over nursing multiples has. You/they könnten itself locally also for Mamas-von-Vielfache groups or cross looks around.

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