Friday, 22 July 2011

Successfully nursing twins?

Successfully nursing twins?

Do successfully nursed twins have somebody here, or know somebody, that has?

The longest I heard a mommy of the twin brand, that was it 3 months.

I am simply curious because I believe that it would be exceptionally difficult. I place auf\'t sees, how a mommy, who nurses twin, all other could do, as sits there and hält one or both of the babies for literal 24 hours per day, because it is not, as if is newborn of twin are/can on a synchronized schedule.

Throughout human history, many cultures either would discard both or one of the twins, and part of me miracles, if it was because of the feeding question.

OH, and we take the trouble to remain so nice. I am really curious and don\'t look again for middle or judgmental comments of everyone: nursing againstover formula

Additional details

Way of throw my I, you leave her/it/them and leave you to them to die. This was throughout the history in many cultures usually. It was looked at a very bad omen, and one of them or both often became, or thrown both and the mommy from the village or the group.


I don\'t believe, that it is the ONLY-Grund, why twins are thought to be a bad omen, but I brought several courses of cultural anthropology, and it is usual for the weaker twin in order to become abandoned and I, only asked loudly, whether there was any relationship. Evolutionäre biologists and anthropologists explore matters like it the whole time.


from Misha

Best answer chosen by voters

I have twins, who will be 4 months soon, and I nurse her/it/them exclusively. It is definitely difficult to immediately nurse two babies. These are my single babies although never with it ich\'ve done him/it each other way. It needed a long time to calculate the logistics, two too f,üttern. FürFür me found I, that it works the best to feed her/it/them separately during nighttime and the first morning feeding, and then together the rest of the day.

The hardest part for me was, nobody ever told me that these newborn babies eat every two hours normally once! Everyone, that I know with a baby, gave them formula, so that she/it between F 4+ hoursütterungen went. I, that am thought nursing, würde the same way works. Boy was I incorrectly. I became für probably the first 6 weeks or stuck at my couch with a boppy-Kissen so. Then, I got the hängen you of tandem feeding and would have more time without one or both a small one to hang from me.

I feel times/cultures like in others, the woman of a family, group, trunk or place probably would meet and would help the mother with twins. You/they were in the habit of letting still made wet nurses and many places for Europe. This way, that another woman can help, that to feel babies, if the mommy has a hard time. Also würden many families together with other generations live so that grandmothers and mothers would be the mother with it on hand to help, today different, to nurse than it, where little help of many women is left on learning, as particularly too quiet is, as alot of grandmothers and mothers never nursed her/its/their own children.

Very interesting question, in order to think approximately!


3.5 months old twins! 100 percent 1 voices saves to it! ! RSS

Other Answers (10)

from Momuvtwi... I did it 8 weeks, that my twins nursed. And yes, it was very difficult. You/they got at least any breastmilk, from which I am glad. You/they dressed up on formula as soon as we also began it.

through difficulties quiet I 1 years long both sentences of our twins. The first three months of it, to take spins, während my husband the other earned. After the first three months of investing into a good breast pump and using of breast milk in one bottle.

what my you of Greer away through throw?

through smartmit.... the idea of any culture, that baby discards for the inconvenience of the breast, that 2 babies nourish, immediately is ridiculous.

There could be superstitious reasons or the favoring of the boys of girls, but this goes therefore.

from Shar ~ twin boys is Born 7/30/09 This a big question! It also interests me. I am with twins and lack to breast, f, 12 weeksüttern you she/it like me, my other children and I did been worried, that I won, am \'t capable for it. My MIL had say twins and she/it, thereß she/it after only 3 days resigned!

And actually from research I did regarding the twins, was twins the reasoning for murderous or both in the past, that they believed, they were angry. Although of St it someämme in Africa, that believes, gives that twins and other multiples are, whom God likes, and they actually adore her/it/them.

is hard in every case from Pippin Caring for twins. Es\'s heavy, if they are nursed, or formula ernährte itself.
But women therefore have two poor and two breasts, that it should be no signficantly, two babies in order to nurse two babies more heavily as to formula feed.

, In primitive cultures, bad food probably would have more severely done to make enough milk for two babies, well a factor been able to be with it. Today, although well most women in ours erncan ährten western companies, although doesn\'t choose to it maybe, make you for enough milk for two.

from cottage, my SIL nursed for in the course 2 years her/its/their twins.

In my training, in order to become lactation advisors, I met mothers, that for over one year of twins and even triplets nursed.

I believe that it is astonishing, and something, to be incredibly proud from it!

through mystic_e.... you can nurse property, if they are hungry at the same time, she/it both at the same time. You/they können nurses also with one or both babies in a loop or itself wraps and then provides for the other baby or always does something with your hands.

I am unsuspecting from every culture, that discarded a twin.

I know also about a woman in Africa, that makes available breastmilk exclusively, through pumping and through direct care, for sextuplets. Although the babies certainly are not ich\'m old like long/how.

/ group/apmultiple.
This list is quads for parents that her/its/their twins interest for Attachment Parenting, triplets, or more! Please, no not discussing of the merits of AP is this list it für people living.

If you have NO idea what is AP, please google it! * Laughter *

through mermaid, I nursed twins one year long, and it was very successful. I ernährte me separately and never considered to discard one! You/they do everything only twice if you have twins. Nurse upon request and then ernheads you the second baby, if it is an useful time for you. If it is nighttime, you immediately deliver baby to the bed theück. Don\'t awakens the second child with night. Es\'s actually more easily than Flaschenfütterung particularly, if you did the experience in breast feeding in another child. I never gave them bottles. Klügste matter, that I ever did!

Because of his/its low class hid answer

feel sad for your boobs

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