Friday, 22 July 2011

Twins and nursing?

Twins and nursing?

I need any real advice for mommies, who nursed twin successfully. I didn\'t nurse our first sentence of the twins 11 months long with any problem. My from twins placed second is old 10 weeks and until to over one week ago, she/it both nursed finely. I füttere them both at the same time, one on each breast and rearranges her/it/them at every feeding, so that no one two feedings of a row on the same breast is. The problem, as my son rejected, began too ern from the left breastheads. He/it wants to eat only on the right breast. He/it complains unablässig, if I take the trouble to feed him/it on the left and only every other feeding now gets. My daughter doesn\'t have any problem to rearrange sides. This is what I tried, has,:
1. I was surprised, if it a production problem on the left breast wäre, so I pumped and got the same quantity (6 ounces), on each breast, practically.
2. I tried the not rearranging of them with Fütterungen and leaving of him/it on the right breast, but if I land, she/it rearranges \'t, my daughter becomes excited and she/it, then also complains continually.
3. IchIch tried to pump milk of the left breast, während itself my daughter of the right and the credit of it my Ehemännernachgiebigkeit to him/it in one bottle nourishes, but he/it has no one of it.
4. I tried, him/it on the right breast too füttern, after she/it was done, but it is empty and he/it becomes excited and frustrates that there is very little milk.
5. I called him/it local La Leche-Verband at and while the encouragement was big, she/it didn\'t, to remain differently all true proposal as difficult and to continue, has to nurse.
I am with a loss. I wonder, whether it began, because she/it started to sleep before two weeks through the night, but twice he/it nevertheless gets up to eat. I muß admit, I was not so careful about which side, on which he/it eats in the middle of the night, because I am so tired, and on autopilots and can remember manchmal\'t. ErEr is excited part of the day because he/it is hungry. I also believe, thereß he/it through the night would sleep, if he/it ate during the day on both breasts. I believe, thereß he/it with night of lost calories recompenses. I place wei only auf\'tß something, to do. Any Vorschläge?

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Sad. Guess, thereß it confused. I put während the feeding no sides about. I am Tandemfütterung, and at every new feeding, I put her/it/them on the opposite side, that she/it ate on last. I guess, thereß I me positioned, because, while she/it will eat on the left, she/it wants to eat also on the right, and becomes excited, if she/it is two feedings in a row on the same breast.


With my first sentence of the twins, I rearranged her/it/them successfully at every new feeding with no problems as that is what the lactation advisor recommended. I guess, thereß I me over the spätesteste literature was supposed to have informed. Wwe little you the lactation nurse with the hospital, had told me to assign a breast to them.


through Ivy, twin boys have!

Best answer chosen by Asker

You/they don\'t need to rearrange any breasts. I saw in many places, where actually she/it not rearranging from Brüsten however giving each twin her/its/their own side sooner recommends.

Guess do you rearrange her/it/them I, that I become confused, during the feeding? I never did this. I looked after each F for themütterung, to rearrange, then, I gave up whoever also first eats to really pursue the course, so that I only did, \'t tandem feed eats on the left (couldn), and now this almost always is Vaughn, therefore Vaughn is quite fixed the left.

If he/it likes these really exactly a side, you make his/its side for her/it, and she/it doesn\'t rearrange.

Guarantee although, that he/it doesn\'t get any flat place for his/its head, and that he/it is comfortable spin to the other side his/its head. It could be, you do to a simple stiff neck. I mußte a little one for it some neck exercises with Vaughn does, because he/it continued to sleep on the same side and a flat place got, and also his/its neck began not to want the other way turns.

I would not recommend to rearrange breasts with twins during a feeding. I really never has goört this recommended for twins. Because you have one, that prefers a side, würde I him/it only on this side keeps, that besides guarantees, that his/its neck is okay.

Her/its/their daughter is probably overturned, because she/it must work to get out the hindmilk, but that is the richer milk. If supply, a bi, isßchen moo you on this side, and she/it works on it, she/it will open it.

10 weekers tend to be completely damn fussy. You/they start in general to calm down a quantity with 12 weeks, and it becomes easier.

I really believe with all, that you say here and they fix, everyone her/its/their own breast is the way to be gone. Many Bücher recommends to do this anyway.

As mean types through the night woke up, I fed both of them. If not to do this für you works, is fine, however. But I würde him/it anbehalten "his/its side", to avoid about confusion.

Any literature says to rearrange every care for them, any opinion fixes a breast. I believe, thereß both fine is, if one of both work, but sounds like your babies, splits you you mit\'d better a breast fixes! We persuaded this to it for ourselves "first, it is fed on the left" rule so that I could hold it exactly. You/they either want lowermostützen, although, if Monty first is, they one minute can need to recognize, they are opposite the wrong way. lol.

In order to make ihn/es again, I would fix a breast. Rearranging it done sides, so that the first itself ernährte, less milk got because it would be,:
Left, Vaughn 9am - 9:30am,
Directly, Monty 9:30am - 10am

Directly, Vaughn 11am, only 1 lessons, after Monty had finished! often less,
Left, Monty 11:30am, 2 full hours, after Vaughn had finished!)

Left, Vaughn 1pm, and again less milk for Vaughn... it goes like it before itself, therefore I give up, sides, to rearrange every feeding. The single other Möglichkeit-swtiching-Brüste each feed would be Vaughn longer than Monty to be brought to it to be waited!)

I, from which this ate, kept a written diary something if and as me got to sleep, and as they, as they slept months and so on first couple for them/her/it, slept, therefore it was easy to notice which is this for a bad system.

Fortunately, tandem feeding doesn\'t create this problem at least!


the silence of 5.5 months old twin boys, non-tandem,

Sound like your girl, all foremilk is hogging. ;) I würde you her/its/their own side assigns, and she/it let the supply built there.
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Asker \'s Comment:
Thanks. I guess, thereß I, to fix Levi to the right and London to the left, tries, will have to. She/it will first be excited, but so far, she/it seems anpassungsfähiger and less stubborn as he/it. Hopefully, this works!
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Other Answers (1)

quantity of time, short from GabaGoo Die, that was my twins I capable for quiet, a breast was fixed for them.... It worked out only this way. My daughter was on the left, and my son was on the right. Even as she/it at separate times fraßen, they would get the same breast. Tatsächlich, my son wouldn\'t eats besides the football grip in each position, and my daughter insisted on the cradle... thanks God for pillows you.

Did you try to shift the position up if one or the other are frustrated?

Only stop to rearrange him/it to another side, there is particularly no need of twins. I weiß with single person of sound, that you would rearrange the supply in each breast to keep upward, obviously not necessary, as nourishing of twins.

If your daughter cries, while it to work as a nurse for too long on the one side, extremely likely is, because the longer nurses her/it/them the more likely on this side, she/it gets the hind milk, and that is more difficult to come out... and if necessary, you take the trouble to offer one bottle of expressed milk to your daughter if she/it starts to complain,... she/it takes one bottle maybe, while he/it doesn\'t become,...

According to my opinion, it puts to leave them to work as a nurse on the same breast, certainly, that she/it gets everyone the hind milk...


* The lactation advisor also didn\'t say me so, my babies insisted on it...

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