Does some question over nursing?
I am pregnant 33 weeks and expect my first babies (twin) through cesarean with 36 weeks. I don\'t see any sign to produce colostrum, the für many quite normal is. I have some questions.1. It becomes colostrum natürlich is produced, or will I be given to injections to resembling for them/her/it?
2. How long either after birth will be produced colostrum, natürlich or through injections?
3. Any type of formula milk becomes gef for my babiesüttert becomes, you develop colustrum / milk is produced
through jade!
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1, you/they want 3-7 days colostrum the most probable product after your cesarean. You/they either should by hand ausdrücken or mechanical produces in order to stimulate the production of colostrum. Even the few drops, that you are gotten, are für your babies vital, so that it is the effort worth.2, colostrum is replaced with breast milk gradually, this happens quite fast, within one week of memory.
Maybe you/they are offered to medication, in the production from as well as, to assist colostrum also as breast milk. Domperidone is the medication, thereß me rules was done.
3, if then not your enough baby of your expressions, that they will be given to formula, gets. But in the first week or with it she/it such small quantities per feed has, like her/its/their Bäuche so so small is, that maybe you are capable to hold step with her/its/their needs, if you express after each feed. the Ausdrücken also from helps your supply, that will be super important with twins.
Mommy to a 4 month old, had a ceaser.- Asker \'s Rating:
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- I thank you all that, that answered, and for her/its/their best wishes. But your answer is certain to my questions.
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Other Answers (5)
from Voice_of.... Congrats on your next twins.
Her/its/their breast will immediately have colostrum, you store it at the element of your babies upward. It is in small Quantitäten, but that is your whole Babys-Bedürfnis after the first few days until your milk enters. Newborn verträgt, it is only the size of a hazelnut with it doesn\'t much picks up this in order to fill itself/themselves. Her/its/their babies then should not need your colostrum anything, if they have low blood sugar, or something insists on it, thereß she/it gives, waters sugar you in one cup or splash you formula of bottles, that can harm your nursing relationship. You/they müssen maybe on it exists, like many places of nursing twins undermines, and sufficiently \'t-Produkte milk tells them/you, that your body won, and exists on additional feeding, that is exact, why one of enough mother, his/its sabotage of the beginning at, won\'t do. Please find in the Nähe from you a La Leche-Verband, to get any support, it are your babies worth.
I never have from injections, that would ease colostrum, your body hears make it for all alone.
from LuvMy2Gi... 1. it becomes colustrum natürlich produces. There are none such matter of an injection to help to produce colustrum.
2. You/they become more than probably starts you to produce colustrum very soon, or maybe you already have. Only because your Brüste aren\'t doesn\'t mean, he/it leaks, there is not any colustrum there.
3. NO FÜTTERN YOU/THEY NO FORMULA! If you ergänzen, your milk will never enter. Nursing is supply and demand. Baby becomes häufig in the first few days/weeks at the breast drinks, maybe every hour or more, to help your body, to produce, to milk about your supply, and, to justify.
through orla-Glückwunsch! Nursing is a natürlicher process. You/they place auf\'t needs all injections, and your babies don\'t need any formula. Only füttern you she/it upon request, and everything will fall at his/its place. Takes care of well on deciding to nurse your twins. Don\'t vergißt, to take care also of itself.
through mama21 hello congratulations and the best from luck with the birth, hopes you, that you are, certainly arrive beautiful babies!!
Colostrum is produced of course, some people produce it, before the baby was born, but many don\'t do. Maybe yours are slower in the arrival because you won\'t have the release by oxytocin after a caesarean, but as soon as your babies begin to drink, or as soon as you start, about nature auszudrücken will win out. Milk then comes in ungefähr 3 days after birth.
It is unlikely that your babies will need additional formula, like breastmilk so often come become conceive as much, as your babies need it. DieDie midwives become, m inform you of everything, which you know in the hospital,üssen, you place so auf\'t worries therefore. The best from Glück with nursing. es\'s Zugh, but therefore value it!!
from Dee, your colostrum comes really in after the baby was born so that you can start to nurse as soon as the baby is ready. Colostrum last, until your milk enters, that für me was approximately 4 days. Colostrum becomes natürlich produces.
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